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The "list"

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If you ask me its not the number that worries me, but I would be more conscious on how well they got to know those individuals if any thing......its about a form of connection, some can connect better then others and I would understand that

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

as far as im concerned its no ones business the amount of people ive slept with but my own. If a partner wants to get hung up over it,its his issue not mine

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

don't they say that women would probably half their list and men double it,when asked?

I actually don't know what I would do. My list is probably not that huge for my age, but I probably round it down.... I tell him after the wedding night lol *Joke*

Hopefully we'll find someone who isn't narrow minded and can accept us and our past!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm always thinking forward and have a list for the women I want to sleep with. It's called the hotlist

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Haha thanks guys!

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By *etmebeurfantasyWoman
over a year ago

My town

I'd say one than one that's all you need to know.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!


If your going settling down with a guy and of course the two of ye are very happy he's not going to judge u on how many men u slept with.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We all have a past and anybody you would settle down with shouldn't hold your past against you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We all have a past and anybody you would settle down with shouldn't hold your past against you"

I agree with this...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I lost count years ago........

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I lost count years ago........ "

... she said, just before he went down on his knees....

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By *al2001Man
over a year ago


Is this not daft to have on a swingers site?

If your asking yourself such questions,or worried what some possessive old fashioned slackjaw guy thinks,i suggest your in the wrong place

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Is this not daft to have on a swingers site?

If your asking yourself such questions,or worried what some possessive old fashioned slackjaw guy thinks,i suggest your in the wrong place"

I know what i want, but actions have consequences further down the line.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Jaysis a list wouldnt bother me atall trust loyalty and commitment are the most important things in a relationship once you have all them u should be ok.

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By *j47Man
over a year ago


The list this is something I have tought about since I was a young lad and its always being my believe that a woman as well as a guy should as they say play the field experiment so to speak. Find what they are happy with it was frouned upon for a girl to play around back then but a guy was appuladed on his conquests strange because without the ladies playing he couldn't have his conquest. If I had a daughter I would love to think she knew what she wanted and liked before settling down, its a bit late when shes in the honeymoon bed and ur man does a panda leaving her wondering is that it.

If I had it over I think when the question was asked and she said ten / twenty I'd reply I hope u learnt well now get up them stairs

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"The list this is something I have tought about since I was a young lad and its always being my believe that a woman as well as a guy should as they say play the field experiment so to speak. Find what they are happy with it was frouned upon for a girl to play around back then but a guy was appuladed on his conquests strange because without the ladies playing he couldn't have his conquest. If I had a daughter I would love to think she knew what she wanted and liked before settling down, its a bit late when shes in the honeymoon bed and ur man does a panda leaving her wondering is that it.

If I had it over I think when the question was asked and she said ten / twenty I'd reply I hope u learnt well now get up them stairs "

I like that answer! So what makes a woman a slut? Dont take me up wrong, i do not consider anyone here a slut, i admire most of the women here, theyre confident and smokin hot, but when does being kinky turn into being a slag? How do i avoid that?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

He doesn't need to know this part of your past

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think the difference between a slut and a swinger is having standards and respect for yourself and your body

Just my opinion

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By *j47Man
over a year ago


In my opinion has two interpertations


A name I call the woman in my bed during foreplay and sex as part of roleplay


A woman that uses her body and sex as a means to an end

There's a third one

A fooking slut

A woman that sleeps with everyone else but me ( joke)

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By *lutaxiMan
over a year ago


Slag should never be used if you enjoy what your doing and looking after yourself it's no ones business but you and who ever your with.

Slag in my mind goes back to days of women lie down, watch ceiling is it over yet. Dare a women enjoy the act of sex. Sorry rant over I just hate that word or term been used

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Ehhh....the question is why should a woman EVER be labelled a slut??

I made the mistake of telling a guy I was dating last year about being on here and his attitude towards me completely changed.

I became a slut in his eyes, so he got dumped.

I'm not a slut for being on here or for the amount of guys I've been with off the site.

No woman should ever think of themselves or any other woman as a slut (or a potential slut). Just my opinion

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I think the difference between a slut and a swinger is having standards and respect for yourself and your body

Just my opinion "

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Why arent the men i know as open minded as you lot?!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We all have a past and anybody you would settle down with shouldn't hold your past against you

I agree with this... "

Because its true

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By *j47Man
over a year ago


"Why arent the men i know as open minded as you lot?! "

Ur hanging with the wrong men

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By *ingerrrrWoman
over a year ago


"as far as im concerned its no ones business the amount of people ive slept with but my own. If a partner wants to get hung up over it,its his issue not mine"

Totally agree with that.. I haven't been counting so don't know.. And don't care.

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By *weet threesome wifeCouple
over a year ago


"Is this not daft to have on a swingers site?

If your asking yourself such questions,or worried what some possessive old fashioned slackjaw guy thinks,i suggest your in the wrong place"

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By *ickirishallsortsMan
over a year ago

Lickie Manor

"So what makes a woman a slut? Dont take me up wrong, i do not consider anyone here a slut, i admire most of the women here, theyre confident and smokin hot, but when does being kinky turn into being a slag? How do i avoid that?"

To the op, once you realise your past is just a story, it has no power over you. And never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted. You appear to be soul searching for some answers. I hope you find them, before trying to answer your last question, are you able to define whats "kinky", and then define whats a "slag". Slag is an ugly word, concubine is much more pleasant.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Why is it that it's just the women that are called sluts!? What about the guys, they're as bad! We're all slappers on the site - men & women!

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By *weet threesome wifeCouple
over a year ago


"If you ask me its not the number that worries me, but I would be more conscious on how well they got to know those individuals if any thing......its about a form of connection, some can connect better then others and I would understand that "
I read this several times and can make neither head nor tail of what you are saying sorry but I know your saying something but it doesn't go in line with the question maybe I am reading to deep and between the blurred lines

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By *j47Man
over a year ago


"Why is it that it's just the women that are called sluts!? What about the guys, they're as bad! We're all slappers on the site - men & women!"

How very dare u

I am a gentleman slapper huh

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By *weet threesome wifeCouple
over a year ago


My man knows and is happy with the number. so nothing to worry about and I know his. As said before why would it cause either of us concern !!! That's life. Swinger style lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Why is it that it's just the women that are called sluts!? What about the guys, they're as bad! We're all slappers on the site - men & women!

How very dare u

I am a gentleman slapper huh "

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By *unnymunroMan
over a year ago


The word slut is just a social construct to control women and pure nonsense in my mind. Saying that it can be fun to use in dirty talk.as in "bend over and take it you hot little slut " ??

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"The word slut is just a social construct to control women and pure nonsense in my mind. Saying that it can be fun to use in dirty talk.as in "bend over and take it you hot little slut " ?? "

In that context i love it!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

As you get older numbers don't really matter no way I could remember

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By *al2001Man
over a year ago


If you're so worried just say 3

and none of them were as big or good as him

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wouldn't bother me how many women a guy had slept with, if it got to a stage where you were settling down, I'd actually almost prefer he'd been around the block and would be happy to commit, rather than someone who'd not had so much experience and decide a few yrs later he felt he'd missed out.

Numbers mean nothing,it shouldn't detract from genuine feelings.

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By *inaTitzTV/TS
over a year ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

You think you have problems. How do I explain my list??

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By *al2001Man
over a year ago


"You think you have problems. How do I explain my list?? "

never mind ur list,how do u explain ur cock to him?

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By *idpunkMan
over a year ago


Don't agree with it all,consenting adults etc etc

As long as no one's getting hurt,i don't see a problem

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By *ornyandwellhungMan
over a year ago


Just say you winded the clock back when you got to 500, or that the cable was off for a while. It shouldn't matter, really.

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By *inaTitzTV/TS
over a year ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

"You think you have problems. How do I explain my list??

never mind ur list,how do u explain ur cock to him? "

Now that is a bit tricky. On nights out when someone doesn't know the score (has happened ) I've just ignore them or spoke German, but I couldn't keep that up for 30 years....

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By *r Hung4funMan
over a year ago


Is it like a job interview where previous experience matters ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Having been on the scene years ago before getting married to somebody in vanilla world, I went my whole married life without my ex knowing anything about my past swinging antics. She knew about previous long-term girlfriends but telling her about those seemed to satisfy her curiousity and it wasn't necessary to go into the finer details.

I even bumped into a couple I'd been with while out shopping one day with her, had a conversation and introduced her to them and she was none the wiser.

The first I gave her any idea was when she had a parting dig, saying I had a low sex drive all I could say was "if only you knew"

Some might see this as being deceitful, but I told her what she wanted to know and just didn't elaborate when it wasn't needed. It's called being economical with the truth in my world

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it like a job interview where previous experience matters ? "

long as ur not too over qualified for the job !!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Wouldn't bother me how many women a guy had slept with, if it got to a stage where you were settling down, I'd actually almost prefer he'd been around the block and would be happy to commit, rather than someone who'd not had so much experience and decide a few yrs later he felt he'd missed out.

Numbers mean nothing,it shouldn't detract from genuine feelings. "

So so true

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If you're in a relationship, it shouldn't matter how many people you'd been with before! A guy, if he likes u enough, should like u no matter what! He shouldn't judge u based on what everybody else says about u!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!


No guy should ask you your number and vice versa. All that matters is that ye are committed to each other. It seems to me that you have an issue with the amount of people you've slept with. Just my opinion, I may be wrong, it sounds like you feel guilty. At the end of the day it's no one's business and as long as you're happy that's all that matters. In my experience I would be wary of a guy that asks you how many guys you've slept with. They usually turn out to be the jealous ones

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By *j47Man
over a year ago


"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

No guy should ask you your number and vice versa. All that matters is that ye are committed to each other. It seems to me that you have an issue with the amount of people you've slept with. Just my opinion, I may be wrong, it sounds like you feel guilty. At the end of the day it's no one's business and as long as you're happy that's all that matters. In my experience I would be wary of a guy that asks you how many guys you've slept with. They usually turn out to be the jealous ones "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

No guy should ask you your number and vice versa. All that matters is that ye are committed to each other. It seems to me that you have an issue with the amount of people you've slept with. Just my opinion, I may be wrong, it sounds like you feel guilty. At the end of the day it's no one's business and as long as you're happy that's all that matters. In my experience I would be wary of a guy that asks you how many guys you've slept with. They usually turn out to be the jealous ones "

Well said you!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If you're in a relationship, it shouldn't matter how many people you'd been with before! A guy, if he likes u enough, should like u no matter what! He shouldn't judge u based on what everybody else says about u! "

if 2 people love each other,the present & the future is all that matters.The past is where it is!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If you're in a relationship, it shouldn't matter how many people you'd been with before! A guy, if he likes u enough, should like u no matter what! He shouldn't judge u based on what everybody else says about u!

if 2 people love each other,the present & the future is all that matters.The past is where it is!"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

No guy should ask you your number and vice versa. All that matters is that ye are committed to each other. It seems to me that you have an issue with the amount of people you've slept with. Just my opinion, I may be wrong, it sounds like you feel guilty. At the end of the day it's no one's business and as long as you're happy that's all that matters. In my experience I would be wary of a guy that asks you how many guys you've slept with. They usually turn out to be the jealous ones

Well said you!!! "

Awh thanks

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Been Swinging for years.....never slept with one of them

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Been Swinging for years.....never slept with one of them "

Best statement Ever....

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By *ohn MingoMan
over a year ago


I don't feel it's relevant in this day and age, and those who do are living in the past.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Usually when a girl asks me I throw out a largeish number to show I have been around.

Usually its met by "I feel like a slut now, mines a lot bigger".

I'm sure there are girls out there that sleep with a select few, but usually I will end up chatting to more liberated women as they tend to know how to hold my attention better at the start of a relationship. The initial foreplay, the innuendo, the teasing..

I'm not saying they jump into bed with me, just they know how to act like sexual beings.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I lost count years ago........

... she said, just before he went down on his knees.... "


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I wouldn't bother telling my partner, it's in the past! Not my future, I have told exs my number and one was appauled!! But it's my youth I enjoyed it why should it bother him...

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By *aid backMan
over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

i dont think it should matter and anyone that complains about yours is just narrow minded plus the older you are the more likely u are to have a larger number

eg say someone is 31 lost virginity at 16 that 15 years sexually active lets say they slept with and average of 10 people a year( not that many) what would leave u with a number of 150

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By *reddieRaeCouple
over a year ago


"I wouldn't bother telling my partner, it's in the past! Not my future, I have told exs my number and one was appauled!! But it's my youth I enjoyed it why should it bother him..."

Freddie refuses to hear anything other than "I was a virgin when I met you"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I wouldn't bother telling my partner, it's in the past! Not my future, I have told exs my number and one was appauled!! But it's my youth I enjoyed it why should it bother him...

Freddie refuses to hear anything other than "I was a virgin when I met you"


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By *arkandEm14Couple
over a year ago


Personally I think the more important list should be how many since u were last tested? Maybe I'm a worrier or a bit of a prude but if I was getting into a new relationship I for one who gets regular testing would only be concerned with that list.

I only had one on my full list until I joined fab earlier this year its slowly multiplying now but what ever the number I don't think anyone should be embarressed it's all about a bit of fun once ur safe and cautious.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Lol I'd love ta be on your list

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

In all honesty my list is really quite short despite what some people think!!!

And to add to that it's nobodys business how many you've been with really as long as you protect yourself and them

Fuck the begrudgers

Happy thursday fabbers


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By *reddieRaeCouple
over a year ago


"Personally I think the more important list should be how many since u were last tested? Maybe I'm a worrier or a bit of a prude but if I was getting into a new relationship I for one who gets regular testing would only be concerned with that list.

I only had one on my full list until I joined fab earlier this year its slowly multiplying now but what ever the number I don't think anyone should be embarressed it's all about a bit of fun once ur safe and cautious. "

I agree! Was going to post on my last post about it being worse when the doc askes that question as I am a firm believer of regular testing and it is a constant worry for me on here! Was accused of it being "too personal" to ask someone that question before. I don't think it is! If I'm going to have sex with someone I want to know if my health is at risk, condoms only do so much!

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By *al2001Man
over a year ago


I was only askin for sexy kicks but my exes number was over 300. And all that was done the old fashioned way,going out n meeting guys,no web,pre swinging.

and yes she had high standards,always had to fancy the guy

loved it i did

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By *0shadesofashWoman
over a year ago


I'm always honest about my past it's who I am if someone doesn like it or judges me on it there not worth my time

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By *imwildWoman
over a year ago


Does anyone actually keep score?

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By *0shadesofashWoman
over a year ago


"Does anyone actually keep score? "
i never did I wish I did be funny to look back on

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By *unnymunroMan
over a year ago


"The word slut is just a social construct to control women and pure nonsense in my mind. Saying that it can be fun to use in dirty talk.as in "bend over and take it you hot little slut " ??

In that context i love it! "

?? all the "bad" words can be extremely good in the right scenario.. for example "c'mere you hot bitch/whore/slut etc " may get the juices flowing in the bedroombut it's not advisable to use them in front of company.?? Saying that can be fun to whisper in a sexy ladies ear in anticipation of the fun to follow on a night out.

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By *antasyhelperMan
over a year ago


"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!


Mines not so bad, so very easy to tell future wives, ex wives etc.

1 and a half x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Have to admit when I joined Fabs first the huge number of verifs on a profile were a turn off, especially the frequency of them.

But having learned about the great swing community that is Fabs I've a better understanding of how it works and it doesn't bother anymore.

Nevertheless I'm still a bit ashamed to publish my summary.

I still think of myself as an innocent lady!!!

Can't quite shake that number phobia either

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

Mines not so bad, so very easy to tell future wives, ex wives etc.

1 and a half x "

Lol a half?? I'd like to hear that story

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By *antasyhelperMan
over a year ago


"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

Mines not so bad, so very easy to tell future wives, ex wives etc.

1 and a half x

Lol a half?? I'd like to hear that story "

Well,,,, it involves a 87year old blind woman, a dwarf and a pumpkin lol x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

Mines not so bad, so very easy to tell future wives, ex wives etc.

1 and a half x

Lol a half?? I'd like to hear that story

Well,,,, it involves a 87year old blind woman, a dwarf and a pumpkin lol x"

Wowzers!! Now there's a kinky boy

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

Mines not so bad, so very easy to tell future wives, ex wives etc.

1 and a half x

Lol a half?? I'd like to hear that story

Well,,,, it involves a 87year old blind woman, a dwarf and a pumpkin lol x"

Wouldn't surprise me!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

Mines not so bad, so very easy to tell future wives, ex wives etc.

1 and a half x

Lol a half?? I'd like to hear that story

Well,,,, it involves a 87year old blind woman, a dwarf and a pumpkin lol x"

Wouldn't surprise me!

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By *antasyhelperMan
over a year ago


"I dont know if its just me, but as a single woman, i'm concious of the list of people i've slept with, especially if i settle down and the guy asks for that number!

Would love to hear your opinions, especially from other single women, and from a guys perspective!

Mines not so bad, so very easy to tell future wives, ex wives etc.

1 and a half x

Lol a half?? I'd like to hear that story

Well,,,, it involves a 87year old blind woman, a dwarf and a pumpkin lol x

Wouldn't surprise me! "

She had red hair as well, but they were lower hairs.

I'll bring a pumpkin over in November red lol x

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