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Capture (short story)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

(GP)= Gorean philosophy

siting on the bus that takes him back to his home stone his eyes gaze over the irish summer country side. the various greens reflecting against his own sea green eyes. Through the chatting of a small group of women siting in the seats that face one another. he ponders the slave hunt the night before. in his mind he gruffs." pah...maybe another time Láidir...maybe another time" his fingers trail over the steel collar pressing against the inner side of his rucksack that sits on his lap as he does.

he glances about the bus when a girlish giggle rings through. his eyes fixing on the source. he cant help but let his eyes trail over the features of this fiery red head. around her soft confident smile. and her angelic eyes that hide a devil inside then along her slender bare neck. he sighs before saying to himself" what a waist of a naked throat." he then chuckles to himself before continuing" damn laws"

the country side begins to slowly become more urban as it rushes by. with a ding the bus soon stops with a gentle shunt. he looks from the window as this old couple shuffle their way down the isle. he smiles to himself imagining the things they may have done through their obviously long life together. the man still holding the heavier bags. "still a gentleman to her" he muttered to himself. as the bus moves off once more his eyes fix on them as they appear to stand still as they walk beside the accelerating bus. not bothering to strain his neck his eyes turn back to the moving urban scenery. this time his eyes reflect of traffic lights along with glints of reflected sunlight from windows of buildings and cars.

with each stop he cares less and less who is getting off watching even less as the bus trundles closer to its final destination. that too is his stop but not the end of his journey home. a familiar giggle dances it's way into his ears once more. this time he finds himself smiling as he looks to the red head. but he catches her eyes and she looks directly to him. her smile immediately becomes shy and she quickly glances down before blushing and turns her face towards the window. her friends notice her change in behavior and look over their shoulders and seat searching with their sight for the cause. they briefly look to him and then back to her. with mocking coo's and giggles they make her blush even more. she lets her head collapse into her hands as she quietly shouts stop.

as he observes them one of the red heads friends leans out into the isle looking out towards the front of the bus and then straighten again. with un-audible chat they begin to hug one another. he then turns his attention to the window again. before two of them stand up from their seats. the lady that was in the isle seat with her back to him briefly glances to him then looks back to her with a nod in his direction and speaks. the red glances at him as he watches the world zips by the window and the looks back to her friend as if to say are you crazy?. with that her friend shrugs and both girls move into the isle and then to the front of the bus. laughing when they nearly fall when the bus stops. on her own the red head fiddles in her bag, stopping when she finds what she wants and then pulls out an ipod and begins to unwind the earphones wrapped around it. with dexterity she plugs them into her ears and turns her own attention to the scrolling life on the other side of the glass.

as the bus finally pulls into the station in the heart of Dublin. he stands and quickly stretches his legs as he puts his arms through the straps of his rucksack and hoists it onto his back over one shoulder. as he reaches the seat of the red head he stops as she scoots over her seats to the isle. he stops and places his hand out in front of him with a smile as if to say ladies first. as she does her light summery dress rides up her leg a little. revealing a tattoo on her thigh. his smile disappears. and his attention zero's in on it. in is head he begins to scream" a kef...she has a fucking kef!!!".(tattoo or brand identifying a slave/kajira)

she did not know that he had noticed the mark never mind knowing what it was and just fixed and straightened the dress and gave him a brief polite grin and makes her own way to the front of the bus. he waits a moment before following. his eyes fixated on the back of her neck. he sees nothing but it's bare naked skin as he follows her off the bus and through the busy station. his eyes begin washing over her form, searching. he looks her wrists for anything that could be symbolic jewelry."....still naked " he joyfully exclaims to himself. nothing on the face on the planet can take his attention from her now as he follows her. the girls mind is lost to what ever music she is listening to as she zigs and zags through the crowd.

it begins to fall into dusk as he follows her through the streets. his thoughts consumed by her. his senses entangled in watching and waiting in an opportunistic predatory manner. as he follows his pray he notices the life on the streets dies down more as they move out little by little from the city center.

he grins to himself as he notices a small park ahead and quickens his pace

to catch up a little. she reaches the corner of the dimly lit par, he like a cheetah after a faun bolts into a sprint. his feet light the only sound he hears is the rattle of the steel collar and his heart beat. with almost perfect timing he intercepts her right at the gate entrance to the park. and without stopping he grasps her hair and hooks his arm around her neck and forces her with pushing in to the park.

once there he buckles her knees from their backs with his foot and pushes forward from her shoulders forcing her to lay down face first in the short evening dew filled grass. no caring she is screaming as loud as she can for help.

he places his knees on the backs of her shoulders and rests his ass on the middle of her back. he then calmly removes the rucksack from his back and unzips to open it. he then takes out the collar and opens it all the while the girl panics, screams and tries to lift his semi heavy body off of her.

with one hand he yanks her head back by her hair. and places the edge of the cold steel against her neck. thinking it's a blade she immediately quiets and begins to plead begging him "please dont..please dont" he then pushes the collar around both sides of her neck. she calms quickly before turning straight to anger when she finely realizes what the steel actually is.

she begines to hiss at him to get off. but he leans in to her ear." girl.....i know what you are. you knew this day could come. flouncing around with no sign of ownership(GP)" she again screams. not out to others but to him, insulting him. which only strengthens his resolve. his hand tightens in her hair even more as he hisses back at her. yanking her head with each word that leaves his mouth" YOU...KNOW...THIS..IS...MY..RIGHT...SLAVE.....DO ....NOT...TEST...ME(GP)" he then searches the bag with his free hand and takes out an old retro styled padlock and hooks into through the locking eye holes of the collar. the girl begins to scream in frustration.

with the metal clink of the lock he chuckles before saying" mine.....i claim you girl. you are my property.(GP) " she growls and twist and wriggles under him before relaxing her body in resignation and says" yes Mass...) before she finishes he is tackled from on top of her. only then they both notice the blue flashing lights. the police officers efficiently tackling him to the ground. he says nothing just looking to the red headed girl as she is lifted up from the ground. another officer reaches to the collar as he screams at the suppressed man being held on the ground for the key. but the girl covers the collar with her hand and backs away from the officer who continued barking for the whereabouts of the key. Láidir remained silent. doing nothing but staring at the girl blankly. he was then lifted and began to be lead away as was the girl but in different directions. Láidir looks over his shoulder towards the girl. before she turn. she then shouts..."stop!......stop!" the officer beside her asks" do.....do you no this man?" she looks to the officer and nods no"............but he is my Master.. let him go(GP)"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The weekend had been fun but she was glad to be on the bus and on the way home. The local lads had been very Interested in her and her friends, but the either girls were happy to flirt she was still keeping herself to herself it had not been that long and she was still feeling a little lost.

The bus was packed, old couples on there, mammies with kids few single guys. She'd noticed the guy at the stop,waiting with the rucksack, alone, looking a little crest fallen. He seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts, she'd noticed his handsome face, the facial hair she likes so much. The green eyes focused internally.

The noisey smelly bus arrived and her and the girls got on, sitting together on a four seater. She noticed the guy getting on but realised he wasn't interested as he'd not even glanced at her. The journey commenced and her friends chatted about the weekend as she mused to herself. The girls reminded her of the guy that tried to chat her up last night and made her giggle, oh.. That made him look. He's noticed the giggle..

She touches her neck, feeling his eyes on there, shivering at the thoughts. No no. I can't think of that, he is gone and must be forgotten.

He seems to loose interest and she goes back to the girls chatter. It's a welcome distraction from him. It's been a few years but she still thinks of him. The girls are on form and have her giggling again about the guys over the weekend, she notices him looking at her and blushes, he's looking straight at her, momentarily she holds his gaze, her tummy flips and she suddenly realises oh god, he is still looking. Look away, look away. Her training has her only able to respond in this way. Putting her hands over her blush she giggles again, the girls notice and look round to see whose caused the blush to rise on her creamy white skin. They taunt her as they know about her past and really want her to move on.

It's almost their stop and they ask if she'll be ok getting home. Yes she says, she'll be fine. Her friend glances at him and says.. Careful of him, think he's taken a shine to you!

She gets her music out and looses herself in the melodies and memories. Suddenly it's time to get off the bus, it's arrived in the city. She gets her self ready trying not to look in his direction. She's ready to be tout of her seat and he's there. Stops and gestures to her to get out in front of him. Sliding across the seats her dress rises, oh god, stupid dress raises too high, hope he doesn't see it. Most people don't know what they are seeing. But notices his face chance. She decides to not acknowledge his reaction, se

He's sure it's just a horny male reacting to a flash of thigh.

She jumps from the bus, heading towards her apartment with music blaring in her head.

She's just the the front of the park when suddenly she is aware there is someone very close behind her. Omg, he has her by the hair, the pleasure, the pain all at once. Dragging her into the park she panics, oh no, I'm going to be raped. I don't think so.. She thinks. As she screams and starts to fight him off, it's the guy from the bus, noo, don't do this. The fire in her rises she wants to lash out but he has her on her front, he's searching in his rucksack for something, of please don't let it be a knife. Oh god. Oh god... She feels the cold metal..noo don't.

best to let him, he will kill you otherwise the knife is cold and hard against her skin, she knows she can't fight a knife and resigns herself to rape.

But no.. Oh god.. It's not a knife but a collar. No!no! She screams in her head as he struggles with her to get it around her throat.

He hisses in her ear. YOU.. KNOW... THIS.. IS... MY.. RITE.. SLAVE... DO... NOT... TEST.. ME. He pulls a padlock from his bag and hooks it into the collar around her neck, no she screams as she hears the click. She hears him say the words "I claim you girl, you are my property" she knows what she needs to say to appease him and as the words come out yes masss.., the police drag him off her, leading him away shouting in his face for the key..

Stop, stop.. She shouts, you know him they ask incrediously, no she says, but he is my Master, looking him straight in the eyes, let him go.


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