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The city i fell in love with…Dublin

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By *axlecool03 OP   Man
30 weeks ago


Guys and gals i am not a dubliner .. not irish too but when i saw this city for the first time i fell in love with it … its warmth and vibrance took my heart .. today morning when i walked into the city as i do always for work … i literally felt so sad … as if a part of my heart was taken away and never to be returned back … broken shops burnt buses cars it was a like a dent in my heart…. Let me know what you felt …. Luv dublin

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By *rRiosMan
30 weeks ago


Glad you like/liked it here. Just to tell you it will probably be the same in a month. I feel this nonsense will blow over. There is a small minority who want to ruin it for the rest of us.

Please don’t think your most recent impression is a lasting one. If you want to talk, as always, I’m here.

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By *lassy lady 216Woman
30 weeks ago


Having grown up where I did burnt out cars etc was the norm on a daily basis for nearly 40yrs but I too was very upset walking in Dublin yesterday as the op says it's a city I have come to fall in love with there was a very error feeling around it I have never seen O'Connell st so quiet on a Friday afternoon normally there is a certain pub that I would go into and have a drink before I would get my train back up to Belfast but I didn't go yesterday just didn't feel right but I will continue to travel down every month

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By *eijaWoman
30 weeks ago

City Centre

"Glad you like/liked it here. Just to tell you it will probably be the same in a month. I feel this nonsense will blow over. There is a small minority who want to ruin it for the rest of us.

Please don’t think your most recent impression is a lasting one. If you want to talk, as always, I’m here. "

Max we are all sad

What happened Thursday night does not reflect Irish people and we certainly would never condone this type of behaviour. As an Irish person with lots of friends from around the world I was truely sad for us.

I really hope this was a wake up call for us all and the likes of this never happens again.

B x

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By (user no longer on site)
30 weeks ago

Dublin is a beautiful city. It survived a two wars the bullets of which remain on the GPO. It survived the bombings of the 70’s/80’s.

It will survive this. I think there’s a wake up call for everyone in this. The right has been allowed to infiltrate too much into every day society.

The anger has flipped. I’m choosing to see the positive. Ireland has always been a bit awkward not facing up to its racism. From Thursday I believe there are people ready to step back and realise they want no part of the hooliganism and are ready to think about what they have become embroiled in.

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By *orYourThighsOnlyMan
30 weeks ago


Like most things it will blow over after a while. Seen it in France lately after the rioting

. Seen it in Los Angeles after the LA Riots in the 90s.

Was in Dublin during the week and the amount of commercial places in Phibsborough that were for rent or closed was shocking to say the least with the prices of rent, goods, services, wages and transport. Tough times indeed.

Glad you like Ireland. It’s a unique place and the characters give it the uniqueness it’s renowned for.

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By *axlecool03 OP   Man
30 weeks ago


Agree time is a remedy in itself heals all wounds… as long as we hear the wakeup call… hope for best

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By *onderingpurposeMan
30 weeks ago


I'll be on the side of unity every time.

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By *axlecool03 OP   Man
30 weeks ago


Thats what life is all abt unity

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