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Dublin Zoo

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By *og-Man OP   Man
over a year ago


So big push today to save Dublin Zoo and the fact it costs €500,000.00 a month just to feed the animals

What do people think of Dublin Zoo....close it down or keep it open

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By *ilthyNightsCouple
over a year ago

East / North, Cork

It NEEDS to be saved. It's part of Dublins cultural heritage.

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By *aid backMan
over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

I adopted an orangutan today in Dublin zoo

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I donated. I hope many will. It's one of leading zoos in the world......outside of Coopers

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By *aid backMan
over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

I think the government should step in and help or some of the big banks or corporations should help too. I wouldn't care if it ended up " tiger enclosure brought to you by AIB" etc

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By *DGF20Man
over a year ago


It would be really sad to see Dublin Zoo closed...it's really simple, open the zoo and let the people enjoy

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By *321funMan
over a year ago


Donated €50.00 today would

Hate to see it closed and think of the animals and the keepers who look after them

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By *ofusplusCouple
over a year ago


Yet another victim of this crazy lockdown

I assume they're normally open all year round?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Its shocking government gave greyhound racing 20million and the zoo has to look for money.

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By *ofusplusCouple
over a year ago


"Its shocking government gave greyhound racing 20million and the zoo has to look for money."

Agree 100%

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By *eralt80Man
over a year ago


Defo needs to be kept open. All zoos around the world are vital for the survival of many species.

What’s the link to donate?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Yet another victim of this crazy lockdown

I assume they're normally open all year round?"

Yes and the Christmas lights they run each year is cancelled also. And that brought a lot of people

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Defo needs to be kept open. All zoos around the world are vital for the survival of many species.

What’s the link to donate? "


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By *eralt80Man
over a year ago


"Defo needs to be kept open. All zoos around the world are vital for the survival of many species.

What’s the link to donate?


Thank you

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By *ealitybitesMan
over a year ago


Haven't been in it in 20 years but I agree it's a big part of the city and should be retained and supported. Not in a position to donate but fair play to those who have.

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By *nquisitive ladyWoman
over a year ago


Absolutely needs to be saved .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Defo needs to be kept open. All zoos around the world are vital for the survival of many species.

What’s the link to donate?


Thanks small donation made

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By *ilthyNightsCouple
over a year ago

East / North, Cork

Fota in Cork are in the same spot. We just renewed our annual family conservation pass. It's a great way to give back and you get great value if you go a few times in the year.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

But the wishing chair!

What would become of the wishing chair?

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By *321funMan
over a year ago


I think every child at some stage has had there photo sat on it

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By *osmicGateMan
over a year ago


Close it down.. I think the whole concept of keeping animals for our entertainment is a bit dated now at this stage.. It's something from Victorian times that should be left in the past.. Those animals should be in their natural environment roaming freely doing what they were originally intended to do not couped up in enclosures for stupid human to gawk at

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Did 800,000 today. Hopefully it keeps up now and they go higher. If the zoo went it would be a very sad day for this country.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I immediately adopted 1 penguin, 1 elephant and 1 giraffe today.

Dublin zoo has been the location of some of my happiest memories,. And the lights.. Magical.

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By *oseredWoman
over a year ago


The government has stated that it will support the Zoo with what is required. As they should.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

They have breeding programmes and literally saved animals from extinction, cut out anything to save them, no animal park or sanctuary should suffer. Cut out a few TD's and currupt judges wages will cover it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Both Dublin Zoo and Fota Island are two Iconic places in the heartbeat of Irish society and what they bring to the table for so many people in this country is just fantastic , there is no way the Majority of people in this Country would get to see the animals or species in real life only for these places and should of course be given Government funding to survive and stay open . As regards my favourite Animal to see in the Zoo l just love to watch the Gorillas , absolutely magnificient animals,

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By *verage Joe BlackMan
over a year ago

Border Area

"Close it down.. I think the whole concept of keeping animals for our entertainment is a bit dated now at this stage.. It's something from Victorian times that should be left in the past.. Those animals should be in their natural environment roaming freely doing what they were originally intended to do not couped up in enclosures for stupid human to gawk at "

As a kid I went to both Belfast and Dublin zoo and I have magical memories of going there and seeing all kinds of animals for the first time.

When I have revisited as an adult, now I feel that there’s something inherently sad about going to a zoo. I look at the animals in a different way and I feel I see in their eyes That their animal instinct and spirit is crushed. I see it particularly in the mammals of higher intellect, like the chimpanzees. Lives spent on concrete in a small claustrophobic space that never changes.

As a comparison, ask yourself how you have felt during lockdown when you were asked to remain at home and there was not much to do. Could you spend your entire life like that..?

But what’s the alternative for some endangered species? The biggest threat to the animal kingdom is man - or more accurately, the greed of man. How many species are hunted now to near extinction for ludicrous reasons?

So ironically, the safest place for some species is behind bars as a sort of sad sideshow with hundreds of goofy faces looking in through toughened windows at them and taking endless pictures.

Happy childhood memories? Yes. Zoos needed to protect some species? Yes. The institution of zoos part of the fabric of society and worthy of our dedicated support? Possibly.

So yes, let’s absolutely do what we can to keep it open, but let’s not feel happy about it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Its shocking government gave greyhound racing 20million and the zoo has to look for money."

€2 million to greyhound racing

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Keep it open

Donated €200 yesterday to adapt 4 animals for nieces and nephews for Christmas present

Something they remember hopefully instead of all the toys they get and don’t use

Cmon Fabbers get behind the appeal

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By *cottybear74Man
over a year ago


I donated today...during first lockdown I took some animals from the local reptile zoo into my home to mind them for a few months to save the owner on costs

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By *ofusplusCouple
over a year ago


"Its shocking government gave greyhound racing 20million and the zoo has to look for money.

€2 million to greyhound racing "

€19.2m allocated for 2021.


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By *ilthyNightsCouple
over a year ago

East / North, Cork

"Its shocking government gave greyhound racing 20million and the zoo has to look for money.

€2 million to greyhound racing

€19.2m allocated for 2021.




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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Close it down.. I think the whole concept of keeping animals for our entertainment is a bit dated now at this stage.. It's something from Victorian times that should be left in the past.. Those animals should be in their natural environment roaming freely doing what they were originally intended to do not couped up in enclosures for stupid human to gawk at "
very true

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By *ichael McCarthyMan
over a year ago


I love animals myself, especially with pepper sauce. Nom nom.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I love animals myself, especially with pepper sauce. Nom nom. "
eat them raw more nutrition

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By *ichael McCarthyMan
over a year ago


"I love animals myself, especially with pepper sauce. Nom nom. eat them raw more nutrition"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It's actually costing Fota Wildlife park in Cork more then Dublin zoo and they haven't even been given a mention!

Both are badly need so it's time the government got the finger out to support that!

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By *eaAndBenCouple
over a year ago


"Close it down.. I think the whole concept of keeping animals for our entertainment is a bit dated now at this stage.. It's something from Victorian times that should be left in the past.. Those animals should be in their natural environment roaming freely doing what they were originally intended to do not couped up in enclosures for stupid human to gawk at "

Sadly until there’s security for them in the wild properly run, well managed zoos are one of the few viable options. Dublin zoo are continuously trying to improve the lives of the animals under their care.

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By *edknobsMan
over a year ago


"Close it down.. I think the whole concept of keeping animals for our entertainment is a bit dated now at this stage.. It's something from Victorian times that should be left in the past.. Those animals should be in their natural environment roaming freely doing what they were originally intended to do not couped up in enclosures for stupid human to gawk at

As a kid I went to both Belfast and Dublin zoo and I have magical memories of going there and seeing all kinds of animals for the first time.

When I have revisited as an adult, now I feel that there’s something inherently sad about going to a zoo. I look at the animals in a different way and I feel I see in their eyes That their animal instinct and spirit is crushed. I see it particularly in the mammals of higher intellect, like the chimpanzees. Lives spent on concrete in a small claustrophobic space that never changes.

As a comparison, ask yourself how you have felt during lockdown when you were asked to remain at home and there was not much to do. Could you spend your entire life like that..?

But what’s the alternative for some endangered species? The biggest threat to the animal kingdom is man - or more accurately, the greed of man. How many species are hunted now to near extinction for ludicrous reasons?

So ironically, the safest place for some species is behind bars as a sort of sad sideshow with hundreds of goofy faces looking in through toughened windows at them and taking endless pictures.

Happy childhood memories? Yes. Zoos needed to protect some species? Yes. The institution of zoos part of the fabric of society and worthy of our dedicated support? Possibly.

So yes, let’s absolutely do what we can to keep it open, but let’s not feel happy about it."

Completely true... Many of these animals were born and bred in captivity so would have no chance of survival back in their natural habitats, especially where their species were plucked initially to protect from extinction due to man's greed, butchering their species and taking over their lands....without zoos and reserves, we'd probably have only farm animals left.... Many zoos are doing conservation work, maintaining a healthy number of a particular species in captivity, while reintroducing others to animal reserves etc.... Yes, a lot of zoo animals look at you with sad eyes, but is it sadness at being locked up? Or is it a look of "shame on you" for all the destruction we cause to everything on this planet... Now... Time for a panda sandwich

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By *ohnsmithMan
over a year ago

South Tipperary

Send over all the monkeys in lenstier house to look after that lovely zoo.... And some down to foto in Cork...

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By *im tim timMan
over a year ago


"Its shocking government gave greyhound racing 20million and the zoo has to look for money.

Agree 100% "

and all the homeless people that have to sleep out these nights in this wild wet cold weather..

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By *inxnmasterCouple
over a year ago

naughty valley

in other European countries zoos are funded by the National lottery . Why can’t they do that here ?

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By *oseredWoman
over a year ago


"Close it down.. I think the whole concept of keeping animals for our entertainment is a bit dated now at this stage.. It's something from Victorian times that should be left in the past.. Those animals should be in their natural environment roaming freely doing what they were originally intended to do not couped up in enclosures for stupid human to gawk at

As a kid I went to both Belfast and Dublin zoo and I have magical memories of going there and seeing all kinds of animals for the first time.

When I have revisited as an adult, now I feel that there’s something inherently sad about going to a zoo. I look at the animals in a different way and I feel I see in their eyes That their animal instinct and spirit is crushed. I see it particularly in the mammals of higher intellect, like the chimpanzees. Lives spent on concrete in a small claustrophobic space that never changes.

As a comparison, ask yourself how you have felt during lockdown when you were asked to remain at home and there was not much to do. Could you spend your entire life like that..?

But what’s the alternative for some endangered species? The biggest threat to the animal kingdom is man - or more accurately, the greed of man. How many species are hunted now to near extinction for ludicrous reasons?

So ironically, the safest place for some species is behind bars as a sort of sad sideshow with hundreds of goofy faces looking in through toughened windows at them and taking endless pictures.

Happy childhood memories? Yes. Zoos needed to protect some species? Yes. The institution of zoos part of the fabric of society and worthy of our dedicated support? Possibly.

So yes, let’s absolutely do what we can to keep it open, but let’s not feel happy about it."

Chimps are not in a concrete box. When the Zoo was given extra land, they gave the chimpa a large island.They moved a lot of animals and uses the extra land to improve all of their enclosures and replicate natural habitats as best they could. Agreed Animals should be left in the wild where possible but due to Man, Zoo's are now required to save and protect some species from extinction.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Keep it open

Donated €200 yesterday to adapt 4 animals for nieces and nephews for Christmas present

Something they remember hopefully instead of all the toys they get and don’t use

Cmon Fabbers get behind the appeal


HUGE SALUTE to you...great idea..AWESOME

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By *ick manMan
over a year ago


"Close it down.. I think the whole concept of keeping animals for our entertainment is a bit dated now at this stage.. It's something from Victorian times that should be left in the past.. Those animals should be in their natural environment roaming freely doing what they were originally intended to do not couped up in enclosures for stupid human to gawk at

As a kid I went to both Belfast and Dublin zoo and I have magical memories of going there and seeing all kinds of animals for the first time.

When I have revisited as an adult, now I feel that there’s something inherently sad about going to a zoo. I look at the animals in a different way and I feel I see in their eyes That their animal instinct and spirit is crushed. I see it particularly in the mammals of higher intellect, like the chimpanzees. Lives spent on concrete in a small claustrophobic space that never changes.

As a comparison, ask yourself how you have felt during lockdown when you were asked to remain at home and there was not much to do. Could you spend your entire life like that..?

But what’s the alternative for some endangered species? The biggest threat to the animal kingdom is man - or more accurately, the greed of man. How many species are hunted now to near extinction for ludicrous reasons?

So ironically, the safest place for some species is behind bars as a sort of sad sideshow with hundreds of goofy faces looking in through toughened windows at them and taking endless pictures.

Happy childhood memories? Yes. Zoos needed to protect some species? Yes. The institution of zoos part of the fabric of society and worthy of our dedicated support? Possibly.

So yes, let’s absolutely do what we can to keep it open, but let’s not feel happy about it."

im afraid your wrong about the chimps they’ve a great out door space which was enlarged a few year ago granted they don’t have the freedom of the wild but they are looked after too the highest order and rightly so

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