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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Im recovering from back surgery. Have started walking and was wondering what is a fairly decent pace. Did 7.1kms in 1hour 21 mins on a beach walk this morning. Thanks in advance.

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By *Belfast_FellaMan
over a year ago


Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else."

Not trying to compete, just trying to get back to normal. Off work for another 2 months and want to get in shape.Cant swim or play golf so walking is my only outlet at the moment. Bored shitless tbh

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By *ed just RedWoman
over a year ago

Dublin City

"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else.

Not trying to compete, just trying to get back to normal. Off work for another 2 months and want to get in shape.Cant swim or play golf so walking is my only outlet at the moment. Bored shitless tbh "

Omg totally with you there, recovering from illness. Am completely wasted. I’m starting slowly climbing the stairs. Can’t wait to have the energy to walk. 7k in 80mins is great. Have you a dog to walk you can walk? Even a neighbours?

I’m surprised you can’t swim, that’s usually the best thing for your back as it’s zero gravity and very gentle muscle resistance.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else.

Not trying to compete, just trying to get back to normal. Off work for another 2 months and want to get in shape.Cant swim or play golf so walking is my only outlet at the moment. Bored shitless tbh

Omg totally with you there, recovering from illness. Am completely wasted. I’m starting slowly climbing the stairs. Can’t wait to have the energy to walk. 7k in 80mins is great. Have you a dog to walk you can walk? Even a neighbours?

I’m surprised you can’t swim, that’s usually the best thing for your back as it’s zero gravity and very gentle muscle resistance. "

I swim a bit so just to advise no breast stroke.. no joke.. only front crawl.. too much bending of spine in breast stroke.. innuendos to follow for sure.. but I’m serious .. take your time as I’m sure you were advised.. best of luck

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else.

Not trying to compete, just trying to get back to normal. Off work for another 2 months and want to get in shape.Cant swim or play golf so walking is my only outlet at the moment. Bored shitless tbh

Omg totally with you there, recovering from illness. Am completely wasted. I’m starting slowly climbing the stairs. Can’t wait to have the energy to walk. 7k in 80mins is great. Have you a dog to walk you can walk? Even a neighbours?

I’m surprised you can’t swim, that’s usually the best thing for your back as it’s zero gravity and very gentle muscle resistance. "

Had a discectomy, they cut an 18mm hole in it. I can walk in water only. Not supposed to bend forward. Only back driving this last 2 weeks.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else.

Not trying to compete, just trying to get back to normal. Off work for another 2 months and want to get in shape.Cant swim or play golf so walking is my only outlet at the moment. Bored shitless tbh

Omg totally with you there, recovering from illness. Am completely wasted. I’m starting slowly climbing the stairs. Can’t wait to have the energy to walk. 7k in 80mins is great. Have you a dog to walk you can walk? Even a neighbours?

I’m surprised you can’t swim, that’s usually the best thing for your back as it’s zero gravity and very gentle muscle resistance.

I swim a bit so just to advise no breast stroke.. no joke.. only front crawl.. too much bending of spine in breast stroke.. innuendos to follow for sure.. but I’m serious .. take your time as I’m sure you were advised.. best of luck"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Way to go op keep it up you be back to norm in no time..

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By *eth TVTV/TS
over a year ago

Mid Meath

I'd hate to be walking with you at your full fitness if you can do 7km in less than 90 minutes!!! That's a fantastic pace and distance, well done!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Thanks for the kind words.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else."

This right here. Only you know your body.

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By *londy84Man
over a year ago


What is golf got to do keeping fit??

I'm sure there is professional fizio terapy for that kind of recovery.

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By *ouble Trouble 1000Couple
over a year ago


"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else."

Very sound advice SB

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"What is golf got to do keeping fit??

I'm sure there is professional fizio terapy for that kind of recovery. "

Golf is well known for fitness, average round of golf is 4 miles walking.physiotherapy being done already.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Judging by your injury id say walking would be the only thing to do at this early stage. Im sure the hospital physios would haeb given you a rehabilitation program to do ie a few light stretchen exercises to build up your core and maybe keep your circulation to your limbs going. Its a slow process back after such a surgery so be patient take care of your back now that its somewhat fixed. Listen to the medical experts you are attending they will know best. Other than that enjoy the boredom read a few books feet up dont over do the walking and get out and meet people socially when off now top and enjoy company as fresh air and company will be a great cure dont be sitting back bored and feeling sorry for yourself or walking like a lunatic to try to get better. When your back to full strength again you will be better for it if you took her real slow.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Judging by your injury id say walking would be the only thing to do at this early stage. Im sure the hospital physios would haeb given you a rehabilitation program to do ie a few light stretchen exercises to build up your core and maybe keep your circulation to your limbs going. Its a slow process back after such a surgery so be patient take care of your back now that its somewhat fixed. Listen to the medical experts you are attending they will know best. Other than that enjoy the boredom read a few books feet up dont over do the walking and get out and meet people socially when off now top and enjoy company as fresh air and company will be a great cure dont be sitting back bored and feeling sorry for yourself or walking like a lunatic to try to get better. When your back to full strength again you will be better for it if you took her real slow. "

Also dont beat yourself up about it

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Judging by your injury id say walking would be the only thing to do at this early stage. Im sure the hospital physios would haeb given you a rehabilitation program to do ie a few light stretchen exercises to build up your core and maybe keep your circulation to your limbs going. Its a slow process back after such a surgery so be patient take care of your back now that its somewhat fixed. Listen to the medical experts you are attending they will know best. Other than that enjoy the boredom read a few books feet up dont over do the walking and get out and meet people socially when off now top and enjoy company as fresh air and company will be a great cure dont be sitting back bored and feeling sorry for yourself or walking like a lunatic to try to get better. When your back to full strength again you will be better for it if you took her real slow.

Also dont beat yourself up about it"

Thanks, sound advice there.

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By *ornyfireCouple
over a year ago

Middle Earth

"Im recovering from back surgery. Have started walking and was wondering what is a fairly decent pace. Did 7.1kms in 1hour 21 mins on a beach walk this morning. Thanks in advance. "

So you don't want to over do it but for your interest why not get a fit bit tracker or app on your phone so you can track your own progress when walking. And yes it's a good time especially recovering from surgery.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Im recovering from back surgery. Have started walking and was wondering what is a fairly decent pace. Did 7.1kms in 1hour 21 mins on a beach walk this morning. Thanks in advance.

So you don't want to over do it but for your interest why not get a fit bit tracker or app on your phone so you can track your own progress when walking. And yes it's a good time especially recovering from surgery. "

I have downloaded an app by underarmour for keeping tabs.

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By *Belfast_FellaMan
over a year ago


"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else.

Very sound advice SB "

Not as stupid as I look!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else.

Very sound advice SB

Not as stupid as I look!"

Sound man

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By *umpsMan
over a year ago


" Off work for another 2 months and want to get in shape.Cant swim or play golf so walking is my only outlet at the moment. Bored shitless tbh "

Try pool walking..

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By *easingTimMan
over a year ago


"Im recovering from back surgery. Have started walking and was wondering what is a fairly decent pace. Did 7.1kms in 1hour 21 mins on a beach walk this morning. Thanks in advance. "


Listen to your body Op. As long as your back isn't in pain while walking or a few hours later just go at a manageable brisk pace ...don't get too caught uo with stats and numbers.

Also, go search out a good pilates teacher to start building core strenght to support that back vs just cardio if that's all you're doing

Just my 2 cents worth here, hope it all works out mate

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By *yesgreenMan
over a year ago

north and south

"Im recovering from back surgery. Have started walking and was wondering what is a fairly decent pace. Did 7.1kms in 1hour 21 mins on a beach walk this morning. Thanks in advance.


Listen to your body Op. As long as your back isn't in pain while walking or a few hours later just go at a manageable brisk pace ...don't get too caught uo with stats and numbers.

Also, go search out a good pilates teacher to start building core strenght to support that back vs just cardio if that's all you're doing

Just my 2 cents worth here, hope it all works out mate "

I was advised that Pilates is good for the back , Any classes Dublin 24

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm also in recovery from a back injury. Pace yourself and push too hard too quick 7.1k in 80 min ???? Swimming is great also. But keep up the good work and don't push too hard. Speedy recovery man

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Im recovering from back surgery. Have started walking and was wondering what is a fairly decent pace. Did 7.1kms in 1hour 21 mins on a beach walk this morning. Thanks in advance. "

Just do what's comfortable..don't over do it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Im recovering from back surgery. Have started walking and was wondering what is a fairly decent pace. Did 7.1kms in 1hour 21 mins on a beach walk this morning. Thanks in advance. "

As stated here - LISTEN to your body. Gentle swimming and there are some very gentle restorative yoga poses that will help greatly but get proper advice from a yoga teacher beforehand.

Best of luck.

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By *oxminxCouple
over a year ago

NaughtyVille *×* Laois

Mr here.

First OP, sorry to hear of your trouble. Any chronic pain is a mountain to climb.

As someone with C5/6 & 7 damage for the past 8 years I can honestly say walking has transformed my well-being both physically and mentally these past 3 years. It has gradually brought me to a place where I can cycle my bike once again for an hour a two.

I was previously very fit but have had to accept a different level of expectation from sport/exercise now. That was most difficult to accept to be honest.

My advice is walk at a pace you find comfortable and above all listen to your own body. Invest well in footwear.

Rule of thumb: a little a lot instead of a lot a little

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Im recovering from back surgery. Have started walking and was wondering what is a fairly decent pace. Did 7.1kms in 1hour 21 mins on a beach walk this morning. Thanks in advance. "

This would be bang average. Maybe worse than average. 12 min kms. A good start point. Maybe look at yoga.

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By *he James gangCouple
over a year ago


"Honestly, a decent pace is what your body is fit for in the circumstances. If you're recovering from surgery, then the fact that you did 7km is itself an achievement. No point injuring yourself by competing with someone else.

Not trying to compete, just trying to get back to normal. Off work for another 2 months and want to get in shape.Cant swim or play golf so walking is my only outlet at the moment. Bored shitless tbh "

I think you’ve had some great advice here. Just a thought but download some podcasts/audible/comedy to listen to while you’re walking. Happy to recommend some. Hope you feel better soon xx Jessy

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Im recovering from back surgery. Have started walking and was wondering what is a fairly decent pace. Did 7.1kms in 1hour 21 mins on a beach walk this morning. Thanks in advance. "
Eat all brand for brekky 100 press ups per day and granary toast for every meal along with bird seeds with hot cherries on everything and a hot cup of cold water with extracts from a budgies left nostril. Every fabbers daily routine. Until the meet and greet

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