By *ung hi OP Man
over a year ago
Northwest |
You meet a boy, randomly start talking one day, he compliments you on everything he can: "your gorgeous", "your cute" etc.. He asks you about your past relationships, you tell him you've been hurt before he says "id never hurt you", you tell him some funny life stories he tells you his. He starts flirting and you think he's a really nice lad and flirt back. He asks you for your pin/number. You give either to him straight way. Now every morning he says good morning and have a nice day.
Quickly; speaking to him becomes your daily routine, you count on him speaking to you, and when he does you smile instantly. He asks you about your day and you speak all night. The conversations are ALWAYS the best. He asks you if your tired or want to go to sleep but you say no and stay..just to talk to him. Now he wants to meet you, so you meet him and now that you have you like him even more, you now get butterflies every time he speaks to you/meet him. You now tell your friends how much you like him they tell him you like him. Because you feel it ruin everything if you did it.then he tells you he likes you to..your over the moon, you feel like your the happiest girl alive!
Then one day; he randomly stops talking to you and you are left wondering why:s you know somethings changed but your confused and have no idea why. He stops putting effort in and you become clingy and feel like a pest every time you just say "hi" to him, you come to a conclusion that its your fault and he's mad at you for whatever you've done, so you ask him "whydont you speak to me no more? Have i dont something wrong?" and he just says "sorry baby ive been busy" so you just let it go, but for days after, maybe weeks and hes still busy constantly! Everytime you talk to him becomes an argument over the most stupidest thngs. You then stop putting effort in thinking it works both ways, but it doesnt. You just stop speaking, months go by and you still havent spoken.
You see that he's married to some other girl on Facebook. He calls her "baby" and gorgeous" exactly what he used to call you! Hes fine without you, he has already moved on and your still crying and upset. You still hope that one day he will popup and everything will go back to how it was, but you know that will never happen, you now compare every other guy to him. He forgot about you a long time ago and you still dont want to believe you got played. Your having a hard time letting go but you have to.
Now every girl reading this is thinking about that 1 person..am i right???