By *opinov OP Man
over a year ago
Point Nemo, Cumbria |
Should I stay or should I go now?...
I seem to be getting nowhere here and I suspect I may be flogging a dead horse - I wonder if my profile is putting folks off.
I didn't want to go down the route of so many other profiles here. You know the type - no photos and one line saying something utterly vacuous and unhelpful like "Been here before so know how it works", etc. (really?... but still too dense and lazy to write a profile or upload a basic photo) - or a load of petulant shite about being too good for most people hereabouts (usually written with caps lock superglued down, presumably to save the effort of learning how to punctuate) - or some narcissistic crap about "destroying yer fanny" accompanied by a series of stomach turning dribbling cock shots snapped in the style of a bizarre fatal wanking accident scene investigation.
Anyway, so I've written as full, descriptive and courteous a profile as possible with photos showing my body type (no cock pics - really do detest them), sent polite and friendly messages (with face pics and whatever other loops jumped through) and engaged in this, that and everything else... but to no avail. Really, two meets in seven years - all this nonsense about Planet X or Nibiru is nothing more than random sightings of my ever expanding blue balls, which I can't help feeling are starting to cause weird gravitational distortions of what's left of my jaded shrinking brain.
Sure, I understand it doesn't help that I'm a guy (and, therefore, lower than plankton) living in the Frigid District .. er, I mean Lake District, but I'd have thought I might have met at least a few more friendly people in the years I've been here - so I can only imagine I'm doing something disgusting and awful to put them off.
I think I've pretty much reached the point where I'm throwing good effort after bad and rapidly descending into sarcasm... which I realise probably doesn't come across too well but I might as well get at least some kind of cathartic pleasure from the place. After seven years or so, my only friend updates are site announcements about 'most fabbed' or 'green dots'.
Like a desiccated plant rattling about in a long abandoned pot in box filled spare room with drawn curtains and no light bulb, I've finally run out of motivation or ideas for novel introductions and the like just to see them deleted without even being read. Don't get me wrong, I've still got plenty to say to the right people, and lots more to offer besides, but I've written so many messages that I've reached the point where I've got nothing left to say any more to people who aren't even reading them.
Ergo, ladies - am I wasting my time?..
[PS - apologies to The Clash for misappropriating their song title.] |