''is this any better''
I don't know how it was before, having only just looked. It still would likely benefit from much more detail and info. How you will stand out is if you are attractive to others, and you don't fall into any of the common pitfalls.
As this is a swinging site, it's probably best to be here for couples and more, and any singles you meet, then count yourself lucky. As such, highlighting the swinging experience that you have will be beneficial, so that you seem less of a single guy who's just out for as much sex as he can get. (Not that there's anything wrong with wanting more sex ). Swinging doesn't mean that any member will lower their knickers for any guy, and possibly that swingers are more selective than others, as we've got experience, know what we want and what's available etc.
Your comment 'looking to meet single females or couples if you can tempt me... '', sounds as if it could assume that others have to do the hard work, rather than the onus being on you to make the effort. If you hint that you don't possibly really want to swing with couples, but will 'suffer' it,then it will deter them. 'm not saying that you do, merely that your greatest success is likely to be had if you really want to swing, have a lot offer and invest in ways to improve your chances.
Very few want to read tons of profile text, but if your profile conveys much about who you are, why you're swinging and what makes you stand out from others, then you'll likely seem more attractive. Very short profiles can seem like not much effort's been invested, so write well, and aim to convey your goods well, as a good business would promote its new shiny goods.
Your photographs can really sell you well. Aim for well lit pics, preferably a wide selection and smile, so that you seem approachable. A good tip is to use pics taken by others, where you're more relaxed than doing a self-shot photo. Overall, don't keep too many pics private, as people don't usually rush to ask to see them, unless you're drop dead stunning etc. So, show your face, your body from different positions and different bits of it.
Treat it like any visit to your profile is a once only chance to ensure that others will want to know more and have sex with you, subject to getting along etc. If you lose that visit, you may never get another, as some members block anyone that doesn't interest them, or they will remember you and their disinterest for you.
Think it through, experiment - your profile can change any time you like. Look at other single guy's profiles and notice what you think are good ways that they've managed to reveal what's great about themselves.
Also, it can be good to have friends, even if it's just someone to have an occasional moan with. Friends can be someone to have a beer with, visit a club with, possibly introduce you to others, whatever. In your job, you'll likely to be sociable, so spread your warmth and aim for the best.
Clubs can be great, so consider these too. If you come through the midlands, I'll show you around.
Overall, have tenacity and patience as being a single guy can mean that you don't get tons of pure ecstasy immediately. The best hang in there, learn and modify and are flexible.
Good luck!!  |