"I can only reply as the male half of a MF couples, and the half that filters most of the inbox messages.
The worst messages are the ones that just ask how we are, how our day's been, or what we're doing. Today's been very quiet but there are days when we get fifteen or twenty of those. We know that the guy isn't interested, and we simply can't spend the time writing an actual answer.
Then there's the ones that don't read the profile. We know our profile is long and we accept that some don't like to jump through hoops, but those that answer the question in the last paragraph ALWAYS get an answer because it shows they took the effort to see what we are looking for. It's also the first way of starting some kind of conversation.
Then there's those that insist on writing to Char and ignoring me. We're a couple, we reply as a couple and make it clear if it's one or the other replying. Sometimes Char WILL take a conversation on on her own, but initial messages to a couple should always be to both of them.
The best ones show they've read the profile, tell us a bit about themselves and what they could offer, and ask us something specific about our profile, our status or a forum post. They're polite, don't swear in the first message, don't ask for a meet and don't send dick pics.
Bry (and Char)"
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Bry, glad to hear it from the male perspective of a couple. I definitely think it’s important for us single guys to acknowledge BOTH people in the couple when messaging as you come as two and not one. After all, it’s both people you wanting to be making a good impression for as they are willing to bring you into their sex life potentially.
“Hey how are you/how is your day” is very generic and not a conversation starter in slightest I can’t imagine how much of a chore it must be having to sift through those everyday.
I find it great getting to know people, what makes them tick, their likes, dislikes etc. That’s all part of enjoyment of the site in my opinion.
To answer the question in your last paragraph one of my favourite bands has to be Coldplay, in terms of song there’s so many to choose from by favourite would have to be Viva La Vida |