By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Just want to start off by saying I think the site is brilliant. As a previous member of AFF, I find Fabswingers offers a similar experience at a much more cost effective level and I find the whole experience friendlier and more personal. Please don't see the comments below as gripes, and just as some (hopefully) constructive feedback after test-driving the site for a few days...
1. Searching for Bisexual
I appreciate that the lack of a bi search filter is due to it not being clear which person in the couple the sexual orientation belongs to (this is another minor gripe as when people call themselves 'S' and 'B' and don't reference it in their profile, you have no idea which is the male or female), however would it not be possible to include 'bi male' as an overall search criteria so that I could filter a browse search for 'females, couples looking for a bi-male'?
2. More descriptive reasons why you cannot contact someone (or at least less aggressive!)
Mostly this is fine, I've seen messages along the lines of 'User does not want you to contact them as you are not photo verified' etc. My issue lies in the 'This user does not want to hear from you' message. It's a message that sounds like a block or blacklist rather than having a reason. Let me explain a little more… In browsing I found a female member who sounded absolutely perfect in terms of compatibility, literally ticked every box. I was within the age group specified, No smoking restrictions, She was looking for men etc…. However I still received the curt 'Doesn't want to hear from you' message when trying to send a mail. As I have had no contact with her previously, I can only assume she has said she doesn't want to meet newbies. Perhaps, it would be better to change the message to 'This user does not want to meet new members' or something of that ilk. It just feels a bit frustrating to not understand why I am being 'blocked', especially as at the time I was a new user to the site. All I can do is add her to my hotlist and try again in a week or two I guess. Still a more friendly message would be good
3. Access to a 'Newbie Forum'
I'm not really sure why people are not allowed to post within the first seven days of membership but I'm sure there is a good reason. I can understand why you wouldn't want spam messages or people signing up for free and causing trouble, but I would have thought if someone was a site supporter and photo verified it should be okay. Anyway, given that restriction, would it be possible to have a 'newbie' forum where newbies CAN post, ask questions and so on?
4. 'Flag' on member name when browsing?
Here is a suggestion….would it be possible to set a colour coded 'flag' against members whilst searching? Perhaps so you can click a red flag on someone not interested, a yellow flag on someone whose profiles don't match or a blue flag on someone to follow up with, a green flag for someone who has winked etc etc. I appreciate there is the 'notes' screen, however it would be nice to have a series of colour coded flags you can use as you see fit. I've seen this implemented on other (non sex) sites and it works pretty well.
Those are only my first thoughts from a newbie joining the site. Please don't see them as any kind of criticism as they are really not. I think the site is excellent and look forward to some good times on here!  |