By *sGivesWoodWoman
over a year ago
"Hi people, I am least the person that should write on this topic. But notice that many of the ladies I am trying to get in touch with, are posting status updates that they are overloaded with messages, and it is a struggle to go over all of them. So most of them just decide to bulk delete. I personally dont prefer to bother anyone and write twice, but sometimes I do it, simply because message status is simply unread, not deleted, or so.
So I would like to suggest to the developers and owners of the site to do something about this struggling issue for the both sides, the senders, and the receivers.
Ideally, there will be some IF-THEN-ELSE functionality that will, check for the number of unread messages of a user and it will accordingly alert the potential senders that the person has lot of unread messages, and ask them to try at another time. People should have option, to adjust on how many unread messages they would like to have their incoming messages block to get activated, and on how many read, there should be allowed new ones to be received. For example if I have set automatic block of incoming to 10, then I decide to read them, and read 5 out of 10, the incoming will be unblocked for 5 more, simply because we dont want to have new one coming on every one that you open, and stuck in a loop of 10 unread. That would be all, and looking forward to get such functionality as soon as possible.
Kind regads,
The mate !"
Really good idea, well done xxx  |