By *ugby 123Couple Forum Mod
over a year ago
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Full forum rules.
Forum Rules
In summary: If you treat other people with respect, you can't go far wrong. Don't forget that the forums are meant to be fun, if you find yourself fuming and writing long angry messages you're probably best taking a break from it.
How we moderate
We don't want the forum to be over-moderated, so we'll only remove threads where absolutely necessary if we believe it to be in the best interests of the site or where we're legally obliged to. When threads are closed the mods will add a note explaining why.
Threads we remove
Threads containing racism, threats, nasty stuff like that will be removed and the posters banned or given timeouts. We also don't want discussions of serious illegal subjects like rape, child abuse, illegal drugs because inevitably someone will post about their own crimes / experiences of crimes and we can get hauled up in court to provide evidence. We do this for fun and we don't want the hassle, sorry.
Name and shame
Please don't name and shame other users. There's no way for us to police this so if you have a problem with another user, please REPORT them privately to Admin (via the report link on the profile), and block them. Admin will review, resolve.
Don't be nasty
Abuse against other site users, mods or admin isn't tolerated.
Don't be personal
Personal attacks against other site users aren't allowed, even if you don't name them. If you've got a problem with someone on the site, block them. If you've got a problem with what someone writes on the forum just skip over their messages or report to admin if you think they need to take action.
Disputing admin or moderator decisions
The mods and site admin are all volunteers who try and keep the site safe. If you think they've made a specific mistake (and we accept that mistakes or mis-judgements do happen), the forum isn't the place to discuss it. Please contact Admin directly and we'll review and make right. If you have general feedback on site moderation or administration, you can post it to the site feedback forum but please ensure it's constructive criticism not personal critisim.
18+ only
Any discussion of sex relating to under 18s isn't allowed and will be removed.
Dirty laundry
The forums aren't for airing your dirty laundry in public. If you've got a problem with another site user, please block them and/or report to admin via the report link on their profile.
Links to other sites
We have restrictions on where you can link to because otherwise people end up posting spam or links to places that host malware/spyware and it's bad for our users.
You can link to:
Any well recognised news site (bbc, times, telegraph, sun, notw, cnn and all the rest)
No nit-picking please
Unless someone specifically asks for their profile to be critiqued or if it's relevant to the thread e.g. someone is wondering why they're not having success, please don't critique their profile or be mean about it. We want the forum to be open and friendly to newbies and everyone starts somewhere.
No phone numbers, addresses, personal details
Please don't post any phone numbers, addresses or personal details of someone on or off the site. In the past people have posted other people's phone numbers as a joke/harassment so it's strictly off limits now.
Private mail should stay private
Please don't post private mail to the forums no matter how idiotic/funny it may be. It is strictly against site rules.
Commercial services
Most commercial postings are NOT ok. Some that are specifically related to swinging such as swingers club nights might be, so long as it's not annoying site users. Discretion is applied.
Deliberate or malicious disruption of the forum
If you deliberately or maliciously try to interrupt everyone else's enjoyment of the forums, for example by trying to fill up the forum with your own content (just one example), it's not fair and we'll take action.
Please don't post exact locations of dogging sites or socials in the forum. You can ask people to mail you privately for more information.
Forum timeouts
If you've broken forum rules or we consider it in the interests of the community, we may issue you a timeout on participation. You'll get a message explaining what you did wrong and how long the timeout lasts. It expires automatically. Please don't use any other accounts to try and get around timeouts because they will banned.
Spot any problems? If you see rule breaking on the forums or if you've posted a thread that you'd like to be removed for any reason, please use the report link underneath the forum post. |