By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Rules, rules rules, it is a fun site, just get on with having fun
Being lied to and having our time wasted is not fun especially when it was happening a couple of times a week till we blocked unverified accounts. I'm also pretty sure the people who are having their images used without their consent wouldn't be happy about it either!
Any picture or any words you put onto the web, is fair game, they become public property, if anyone uses your pics, be flattered, imitation is the highest form of flattery.
A sex site on the internet will attract all sorts of people, most people on here are cheating on someone, so if you expect honesty, im afraid you will be disappointed.
as for time wasting, what else would you be doing, As an intelligent person, surely, you can separate the wheat from the chaff,
chat, exchange face pics, cam, telephone, and get people to travel to you, so no time or money is wasted.
Full balls = empty head.
If something looks too good to be true, it wont be true x |