By *oolblue12 OP Man 6 weeks ago
Tarporley near Chester |
Why is there a facility where single males can block messages from single males and vica versa but there is no facility to stop bisexual , transexual , tv and gay males from sending winks or messages, also if someones profile states they are gay why are they not automatically redirected to the sister site fabguys ? , I am not the only person of this opinion , some friends of mine have left the site and they were site supporters , I hasten to add they and myself included are LGBT+ friendly , it is not a predjudicial note . I am just an invidivdual but to my knowledge 30+ members have left the site due to this reason , do the maths £5.00 x12=60 x 30= £1800 pounds in lost revenue .Futhermore any profile which is generated as an individuals profile which clearly advertises a club or a venue should not be allowed ,other sites in competition wththis web site do not allow it so why should this one ? there should be a posting on the clubs section . If changes could be made the website would be a forerunner , word would get around , revenue would increase and further improvements could be made , as they say in the USA "It's a no brainer". |