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Noticed now if you delete profile messages sent go too :/

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

So last time I knew when you deleted you're profile or when someone who messages you delete their profile the messages you got from them still stay in your inbox....but it just says delete user or something and not their profile name.

I met a guy and we had been talking and noticed now his messages have dissapeared from my inbox and also sent box Inc the ones I sent to him.

So is this new? Because before I used to still have their messages in my inbox but saying deleted user :/

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By *rs BxxWoman
over a year ago

Chippenham, Wiltshire.

No this isn't new, the site started doing it a few years ago. It was easier when the messages staying in your inbox and showed unlos.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Ah see it wasn't a few years ago where I still had the messages in my inbox but the senders profile was deleted that's why I thought it was new

It was more recent, mainly wondered because I had sent my address to someone who didn't reply after I did so I was worried sick they were some looney and I couldn't delete the message I sent with my address. Atleast I know if that ever happens again I can delete my profile and the messages vanish as a last resort lol

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