By *heRainManMan
over a year ago
Warrington & Glasgow |
The information, that is entered when you create an account, should allow a search by Postcode/Location, Name, Age, Sexuality, Height, Body Type, No of Tattoos, No of Piercings, Drinker and Smoker, Marital Status and Interests. It should also be able to filter the search by what you are looking for : account type (M/F/MF/MM/FF/TV\TS), age that they are looking for, whether they will meet smokers, whether they can travel or accommodate and what country they are in.
Given that Admin have recently introduced the most difficult of these searches, finding other postcodes within a radius of your own, the others should hopefully be easy!! The advanced search already covers a lot of this.
The difficulty arises with couples' profiles, as the site doesn't ask the sex of each partner, so it wouldn't be possible to search for "couples with bifems above 7ft and pierced AND straight males below 5ft and tattooed" although it would be possible to search for "couples with a bisexual partner above 7ft and pierced AND a straight partner below 5ft and tattooed".  |