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By *mateurRosa OP   Woman
over a year ago


There has been a massive increase in guys messaging offering money for sex. I know having spoken to other women on here I'm not the only one.

I've always got a message or two a week but I'm starting to get 2 or more a day.

Is there anything active in place Fab are doing to prevent this? Guys are using terms such as escorting and £££ - why are these not banned words like many others are?

Between the ones who don't bother reading profiles before messaging, the huge number of fake accounts and now these guys it's becoming more of a chore to check my messages than fun.

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By *obbytupperMan
over a year ago

Menston near Ilkley

Are you reporting these profiles OP?

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By *mateurRosa OP   Woman
over a year ago


I am - I'm quite the avid reporter Some get dealt with, others I have seen around the place still.

I know certain words get you an automatic messaging ban which lasts a few hours, surely there are plenty (such as escorting / escort) should be added to this.

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By *mateurRosa OP   Woman
over a year ago


I get there are genuine uses for a lot of the terms (and like you I'm not adverse to that sort of roleplay too), but the admin are not adverse to blocking plenty of words already which could have other uses already.

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By *uv2kissMan
over a year ago


"I get there are genuine uses for a lot of the terms (and like you I'm not adverse to that sort of roleplay too), but the admin are not adverse to blocking plenty of words already which could have other uses already."

That's true. I know the word ape with a certain letter in front is banned but for that one I can't think of any other use for it

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By *r_Jake70Man
over a year ago


There also appears to be an increase in young female profiles suggesting that a financial reward is required. These range from the subtle to openly advertising. Block, report and move on.

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By *mateurRosa OP   Woman
over a year ago


Yeah, they need binning off too if they are using the site to get money for sex.

And I'm all for the block, report & move on idea if this was the odd message. However it's getting the stage where I get that many that need reporting (be it them being fake, abusive or trying to pay for sex) that it becomes a job rather than something fun (that's on top of ing through the countless messages from those who don't bother reading profiles).

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

Here is an explanation from Admin from another thread on how they deal with reports.

******Just a quick note. If people report others and we can verify that they have broken site rules, we always take action (either a first and final warning, partially suspended account, fully suspended, mixture of the above).

Every single report sent via the REPORT link is reviewed. Clearly it's not in our interests to have people on here who are bad for the site. Equally we need to verify what has been reported and be fair to those who have been reported.


PS. we never provide feedback on what has happened. It's just not practical given that we get 100s of reports a day.

Here is what the page says after a report has been submitted:


Your feedback has been saved.

A website admin will shortly review your feedback and take the necessary action. After reviewing the evidence available to us, we may disable an account, remove a user, disable certain aspects of that user's account or issue a warning.

By leaving feedback you help improve the site for everyone who uses it. Thank you.******

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