"We’re wanting to try our first club next weekend… happy to travel…
What’s the best club in the UK? "
You’re spoilt for choice. We’ve been to quite a few and can’t say there’s one that we don’t like.
As mentioned, you’ll hear an argument (and justified) from posters about which is the best club and from a local club perspective we have three, depending on our mood:
Xtasia: dress up, nightclub look and feel, plus a pub to start the night. Licensed bar and also facilities like a hot tub, pool table and hotel rooms. Overall a complete adult entertainment complex.
Chameleons: dress down, sauna/towel club. Bring your own. Rooms onsite. Again lots to do and explore.
Liberty Elite: markets itself as upmarket (not that the other two aren’t decorated, clean and maintained) but another great club with similar faciiites and rooms onsite. Again dress up and has (for us) a bit more of a formal feel to a swinging night, if that makes sense. Again not a bad thing.
All three clubs we love, attend and support. Though anyone new to the scene/clubs, we always recommend Xtasia as the starting point.
However, it might be better to spin your question and rather than “what’s the best club in the UK?” Look at what you want from a night out and “what’s the best club to go to for your first experience?”. Then I’m sure you’ll find the answer.
A few questions to ask yourself.
- Do you want it to be packed, quiet, somewhere in the middle?
- Do you want single males, females and/or couples?
- Do you want to strip down or prefer to keep you clothes on, as you might find it all overwhelming the first time (believe me, we’ve seen the most good looking, great bodied, confident of people brick it as they get to the entrance and turn back)?
- Do you want somewhere you can stay over on-site or nearby?
- Do you want a cheap and cheerful night, or splash out a bit on your first experience?
- Do you want a place that has a hot tub/steam/sauna?
- Do you want dungeon type facilities?
Hopefully, this will give you some food for thought to then answer what might be the best club in the UK for you. |