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Spiteful Club Reviews

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By *erMetzger OP   Man
over a year ago

West Yorkshire

This is the first time I've posted on here but I felt I had too due to yet another hate filled review of Partners........

I work part time there, and run the fetish/bdsm event The Kage........so I'm quite appalled by a recent review that describes staff as d*unks, even worse, upon looking at the profile of the reviewer we are now described as pigs.

Now I've had crap nights up there, I've had crap nights in many places, but in that event I've sent a private message to the clubs or events involved asking for their input........only after seeing how they handle things in the cold light of day do I then make a decision as to whether to go public with my complaint.

And one thing I don't do is make myself appear as ignorant as the aformentioned reviewer has done. I take umbrage with being described as a pig, in fact I'm staggered that such an insult has been made, as I said, it's now on their profile itself. I think having to resort to such a bile laden statement as they have posted and then to carry it on only leads me to believe that they have a serious axe to grind on a personal level with somebody up at the club.

And as I've already stated, I've taken massive exception to being labelled a pig.....think on.....

I am called DavetheButcher after all.......


Seriously, does anyone else read reviews like this, for any club, and take them at their word or is it increasingly obvious there's a vindictive element to such things being posted on here?

I look forward to any response I may muster.....


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes I look at the reviews

No I dont take them as gospel

My own views and expectations - experiences differ from others

There will always be bitter idiots out there, with no life and that get satisfaction from hurting others 'bullies'

I trust my judgement and will listen to my friends, however I will form my own opinion.

I love partners and some random review by some petty random stranger will not have any affect at all. If people believe everything they read and wont see for themselves then I dont want to play with them anyways...

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By (user no longer on site)
Forum Mod

over a year ago

I would'nt take an obviously spiteful and personal review of a club as anything other than maliciousness and show a huge lack of maturity

No club is the same on 2 nights

No club is going to appeal to everyone

No club will ever always be full of people that you would want to play with

Thats life!

I do read reviews but I look at things like facilities,and cleanliness,location and events as being the main reason why I may want to visit

But reviews are like verifications on a profile,one persons opinion of something that happened at one time for a few hours and thats all,could be a very different experience for the next person

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By (user no longer on site)
Forum Mod

over a year ago

Just need to add that you can repoprt a club review if you think its more of a spite thing or not really a review at all and admin will take an objective look at it

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By *orth West CoupleCouple
over a year ago


"This is the first time I've posted on here but I felt I had too due to yet another hate filled review of Partners........

I work part time there, and run the fetish/bdsm event The Kage........so I'm quite appalled by a recent review that describes staff as d*unks, even worse, upon looking at the profile of the reviewer we are now described as pigs.

Now I've had crap nights up there, I've had crap nights in many places, but in that event I've sent a private message to the clubs or events involved asking for their input........only after seeing how they handle things in the cold light of day do I then make a decision as to whether to go public with my complaint.

And one thing I don't do is make myself appear as ignorant as the aformentioned reviewer has done. I take umbrage with being described as a pig, in fact I'm staggered that such an insult has been made, as I said, it's now on their profile itself. I think having to resort to such a bile laden statement as they have posted and then to carry it on only leads me to believe that they have a serious axe to grind on a personal level with somebody up at the club.

And as I've already stated, I've taken massive exception to being labelled a pig.....think on.....

I am called DavetheButcher after all.......


Seriously, does anyone else read reviews like this, for any club, and take them at their word or is it increasingly obvious there's a vindictive element to such things being posted on here?

I look forward to any response I may muster.....


Same thing happened to cupids a week ago....some numpty couple put a bad review on which was total lies, and when other people put reviews on saying it was lies all there comments got removed, yet the original false review from the numpties was allowed to stay... disgrace in my book

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By *kmale421Man
over a year ago


Like others have said I look at club reviews quite frequently actually, and especially for either clubs I have visited or am intending to visit.

The reviews fall into 3 catergories to me.

First the type which is obviously vindictive and comes across as a personal attack on the owners, the customers and the club itself, It's normally a one off post and loses credibility by way of the way the opinion is expressed.

Second is the repeat review from the same group of customers for the same club. The intentions of the said posters may be good, but the validity of their review loses credibility because they post such regular reviews.

Thirdly is the balnce of reviews which do actually form the vast majority. They include good and bad reviews of a club but tend to be objective to a point about what they say about a club. For example there was a review of a Derby based club which said avoid, but was objective in the issues that the poster raised and were things that an owner could fix, while there are other posts about many clubs saying what people like about a club.

From a personal point of view, I post reviews occasionally. I would include in it the ambiance of a club, and if there was something notably broken I'd probably make a point of saying that in the review. Of course any visit to a club is based on personal experience, but, for example if I as a single guy didn't get to play with a lady or a couple that wouldn't justify a bad review of a club, just as if i played with a coachload of couples (ok we can all dream) does that mean that the club was great, though from the letter perspective I would certainly have had a better night.

I know of many occasions at clubs where i have heard single guys saying what a crap night they'd had, whilst I personally have had a lovely night.

So Mr Butcher, if the review is wildly inaccurate, I would make the site aware so it can be corrected as personal attacks are simply not justified and btw, do you do a good deal on Pork Chops...

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

we have seen this type of thing work two ways...

1) where there is a review that is vendictive and full off abuse

2) where there is a review that criticises and the regulars and owners get upset.. when abuse of said person follows.....

there is sometimes a fine line between being vendictive and what could be seen as constructive criticism...

I look at reviews... if i see it as an attack on the people who go to them, that is something that the club can't control.... if it talking about the facilities then that is a different kettle of fish.....

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By *lubPartyPeepsCouple
over a year ago


We went to have a look at the review on Partners as we didn't remember seeing it, so it must have been deleted because we still couldn't find any review referencing Bacon.

As Al Murray says, Bason proves the existence of God.

Our reviews, while being a little long prehaps, tend to focus primarily on what the club has to offer and secondly how the club was run. Thirdly we will try to give some idea of the clientle and the atmosphere.

Someone else said what we always say -

Different people like different clubs for different reasons and every club is different every time you go and its not always going to be the same. So hopefully that will give the reader some idea of if its the right club for them.

In critical context we will comment on things like Patrons not following the rules and the club being lax about it, facilities in poor state or not working, cleanliness if its bad will get a major mention and cause a low review as will poor hosting or staff trying to play with or pester patrons (They are not there to do that, they are there to work)The key hosts often socailise, flirt and maybe pinch your bum, thats part of the fun, but its all in good jest.

We will generally not report in 'incidents' that occur on the night, unless they are something that effect us or others directly which the club should have or must address in future.

At one club recently a woman walloped her partner so hard that he walked around with the biggest bruise on his face we have ever seen. It didn't effect us and the club couldn't really have done anything about it and it happens sometimes.

We read the review posted recently by regular members of the Attic who made a list of salient points that they wanted addressing before they came back. This venue is known for its loyal members and also people sending abusive mails to posters who are critical of it, so we applaud them and the way in which the carefully and intelligently outlined the issues they had with the club. All of them from what we could see were valid, and our best review team were at the club only weeks ago, to do the update for us to follow up on the complaints we had heard of.

This is the sort of critical appraisal that the club should take on board immediately. They should mail their entire membership without delay, address every issue raised and state what they are going to do about them. They should also remind the members of their own rules, which presently are not being backed up on the premises. If these are not addressed, then again, people will vote with their wallet.

Vindictive reviews on the other hand are all to common, as are vindictive responses to balanced reviews (We know)

Reviews that are short and say 'Its crap, hated it, never again' and not alot else, from a hidden or basic profile have to be treated as highly suspicious, for a start they tell you nothing about the club or what it was exactly they hated. Simlarly ones just full of one line of praise aren't much more helpful.

Ours maybe long, but you can focus on the bits you need / want to know and skip the rest.

The Clubbing business is increasingly competitive and the standards have been raised considerably in this country, but for some venues there is still a very long way to go. It is right that people are critical as a few venues really need to pull their socks up and are still trying to make pound for pound what they were ten years ago and offering little more in return.

Those days are well and truly over my friend.

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By *orksvalleyguyMan
over a year ago


Best to look at reviews as a whole - ie if 10 good and 2 bad then its probably OK. Interested to see if she comes up with specifics about Partners as she had some much more strident comments on her profile!

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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

Sometimes there are bad nights at clubs and people who might have spent a bit of money getting into the club will be disappointed. A knee-jerk reaction is to post a bad review, which is why I always leave it a while, so I don't go overboard.

However, most club pages state that anyone obviously d*unk will be removed, and it sounds like this hasn't happened. I went to Partners a while ago and several members were obviously high as kites. They weren't a nuisance, but it does make you wonder why staff don't enforce the rules.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wont stop us going ........ we love the place !!!

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By *umpkinMan
over a year ago

near the sounds of the wimborne quarter jack!

"Best to look at reviews as a whole - ie if 10 good and 2 bad then its probably OK.


Trouble with that is that you could get 10 "good" reviews from friends of the owners and two "bad" reviews from impatial customers that tell the real story!

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By *hynottsCouple
over a year ago


We been to clubs in uk and aroynd the world . What maybe abad club to us can be the best club in the world to others. We was at infusions blackpool in march talking to a cpl there they was slateing a club we was makeing plans to go a few weeks later . We whent a head and is was abit like they said as in the play rooms and the layout of the club . Not our cup of tea the folks there was not like we was told they was friendly . Think alot expect a club tobe like the faveret club . But thats part of the fun to try a club you not been to no need to slate it just go if you dont like it dont go agine .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We have visited clubs which were shockingly bad and not posted a review as the fallout over doing so is not worth it !

If we enjoy a club we will leave an honest review and to be quite frank it's obvious from club reviews that the majority are not worth reading !

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

having read club partypeeps comment they have given a very well balanced view,as a regular member of partners i have never seen any member of staff d*unk. of course one does from time to time come across inebriated/high people in clubs and that does not mix well with swinging. its hard to bar someone if they seem sober or lucid at the entrance and a wad of cash in hand, and they do tend to bring drinks with them as we all know most clubs are not licenced so whats the answer?better trained staff? better people than i might have an answer

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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"so whats the answer?better trained staff? better people than i might have an answer "

I think if clubs have certain rules on their websites, then they should stick to them. If it says 'smart dress only. No trainers or baseball caps' then they shouldn't let in scruffy people. If it says 'we will remove people who are d*unk and abusive', then those people should be removed.

I understand that it is easier to ignore bad behaviour, but people pay to go to clubs and so should not be made to feel uncomfortable by other members.

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By *orksvalleyguyMan
over a year ago


"Trouble with that is that you could get 10 "good" reviews from friends of the owners and two "bad" reviews from impatial customers that tell the real story!"

It's a fair point - but it does give you some indication.

10/2 favourable/unfavourable is much more likely to get a visit that the other way round and if I've been in person then I can make up my own mind.

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By *lubPartyPeepsCouple
over a year ago


We've seen d*unk patrons at almost every club we have ever been to, and some people clearly on other planets. Normally friends / partners take care such people and take them out.

Obviously when that doesn't happen its down to the club to step in if they are bothering or becoming a nuisance to other patrons, most clubs deal with this pretty well and its in their interest to do so.

Clubs that don't would fairly get a negative comment about it, but its not fair to blame them for the problem arising in the first place, (As you can't always predict or see it coming) its how they deal with it that's key.

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By *erMetzger OP   Man
over a year ago

West Yorkshire

The reference to pigs was made on their profile page.......apparently it has now been removed..........

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My friend and I would much rather make our own minds up, we will read the reviews, look at the clubs website and go from there. Neither of us is keen on travelling too far though we have stayed overnight at Gems only because we had the opportunity of time to do so. We have been a couple of times to Romeo's even though we haven't wholly enjoyed it, only because it is not far but we give a club one chance and don't go again, if the experience overall is not good.

And to be honest, I am not a fan of alcohol nor is my friend so neither of us would partake but if other's want to that is their choice, however if we thought someone was very d*unk, we wouldn't play with them, lets face it, staff can play too can't they

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By *etillanteWoman
over a year ago


Personally the only way you can jusge a club is by going. Your own tastes may differ to other peoples.

Following reviews of a certain club a male friend and I made the journey as it sounded just the sort of place we wanted to go. What a dissapointment. But that is our opinion. It could just have been a bad night, the fact that it wasn't a towel club or the fact that there were a number of guys walking round in anoraks talking on mobile phones.

Would we go again, I doubt it, there are other places to try. But maybe, just maybe we are missing out on good nights because of one bad experience

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By *lipperyWhenWet!Couple
over a year ago


I have just read through this thread and feel there are some very good points made about taking all reviews with a pinch of salt, especially any that appear to have an agenda.  

I look at the reviews overall, and for clubs with a lot of less that enthusiastic reviews, I take the view there's no smoke without fire, and look for one that has a high percentage of good reviews.  So they do work in an over all context.  

I also particularly agree with ClubPartyPeeps above, they have said a lot I would have said so there no need to repeat it (and probably said more elequently ). I wish there was some form 'like' button for postings like that.  

I have bought and read their book after meeting them at Erotica, and found the reviews of the clubs I know to be valid and broadly agree with them (and some spot on) so their views of clubs I have not visited, get very high rating!  

In short, crap reviews can catch the eye but we generally ignore any that have little substance, in fact a mediocre OK with an explanation lowers the expectation much more.

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By *ub bbwWoman
over a year ago


The review in question is still there its currently 5th down but i wouldnt let it ruin my opinion of this club we are going on tuesday for our first time and have chosen it over cupids based on pics and other peoples opinions the profile of the reviewer still states they will never go back but hey with people that negative about the place would you really want them going back. We went to a club not that long ago and left a review we picked up on the positives about the place even tho it wasnt our cup of tea i live by the rule if you cant say anything nice dont. I think some people abuse the club review system on here to have personal digs at people who have said something they dont like.

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


Ok here we go...

I have been to a number of clubs over the uk...

I agree with what a lot of people said about posting a review of the club as soon as you get back because it can be impartial.

I normally go to cupids in Manchester or f club in London. That is not to say I don't like abfabs and chams I do...but I don't have single guy membership so don't go. Envy club I have been to I have had amazing nights and not so good nights - rude couples, d*unk people , rude single guys.

If you have a bad experiance unless the club is a shithole, I would recommend trying another night.

I heard thati people found cupids to be full of single guys, last time I went the was about 5 of us single men in he whole club. Most of the people were couples and single females.

Each club view is applicable to that person. I agree though that all club reviews bad or good should be kept. I often review on hostels...I travel a lot and I normally take a middle ground,

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By *rummiePartyManMan
over a year ago


I think that where there are a number of clubs in a tightly packed area (e.g. Greater Manchester) there will be some "tribalism" with the X tribe deriding club Y & Z, the Y tribe deriding club X & Z and the Z tribe deriding club X & Y. Pretty much like football fans do.

I've seen it happen in other parts of the country too.

Daft thing is, is that what I've noticed is that take these people away from their PC's and their "tribes" and in reality they "do the rounds" visiting all the clubs rather than just sticking to one.

At the end of the day, if some of these cheap shots are unjustified and/or insulting, the site owners can remove the offending text if you let them know about it.

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By *amschwingerzCouple
over a year ago


We look at the reviews regularly..all of them have some 'fabulous' reviews all have some 'avoid'..

Its all down to peoples perceptions and expectations I guess..someone people may be used to a very good club, they try another, find it doesnt meet with their approval and will give it an 'avoid'...others may be used to crap clubs, go to a mediocre one and thus find it 'fabulous'

Also some people may have higher standards than others..some may not care how dirty a club is or the fact they are sharing a jacuzzi with other peoples body fluids..as long as they get a result by the end of the night.

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By *horeyMan
over a year ago


"I think that where there are a number of clubs in a tightly packed area (e.g. Greater Manchester) there will be some "tribalism" with the X tribe deriding club Y & Z, the Y tribe deriding club X & Z and the Z tribe deriding club X & Y. Pretty much like football fans do."

In some cases it goes even further than that. I know of cases where owners (or people closely connected with the club) are creating multiple fake profiles purely so that they can post fake bad reviews on the other clubs in their area. Fortunately admins are pretty good at removing these if they are pointed out to them; and they have also made it more difficult for fake profiles to be used like this.

However it's always worth considering when you see a bad review whether it is genuine or not. If it comes from a profile that is relatively new with no verifications (or only verifications from other profiles that have also left bad reviews!) then take their opinion with guarded precaution.

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By *rummiePartyManMan
over a year ago


"...whether it is genuine or not. If it comes from a profile that is relatively new with no verifications..."

It's worth being "on guard" for that reason, but always bear in mind that people who are new to a site are often more likely to want to "make a mark" and join in the conversations in order to get themselves known, therefore prone to posting where they think that they can express an opinion. Just because they are new to this site doesn't mean that they don't have experience or knowledge about what they are talking about.

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By *horeyMan
over a year ago


"Just because they are new to this site doesn't mean that they don't have experience or knowledge about what they are talking about."

Don't disagree, but worth highlighting the other possibility.

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By *restatynCplCouple
over a year ago


We got embroiled in a good review/bad review debate over a certain swingers' hotel in the north west recently.

Our extremely bad review (which we waited a week to post until we calmed down, we were so disgusted by the place) was challenged by regulars, another couple came to our defence, and before too long the debate had degenerated to name calling and aspersions being cast regarding people's 'status' as swingers.

To be fair to the site admins, our review was not removed, and is still displayed on the reviews section.

We feel that is purely because we restricted ourselves to criticizing the premises in the most part, with corroboration from another couple.

It is possible to post a very bad review here as long as you are objective. Personal attacks are not the way to go!

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By *amschwingerzCouple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 23/07/12 18:57:26]

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By *amschwingerzCouple
over a year ago


"We got embroiled in a good review/bad review debate over a certain swingers' hotel in the north west recently.

Our extremely bad review (which we waited a week to post until we calmed down, we were so disgusted by the place) was challenged by regulars, another couple came to our defence, and before too long the debate had degenerated to name calling and aspersions being cast regarding people's 'status' as swingers.

To be fair to the site admins, our review was not removed, and is still displayed on the reviews section.

We feel that is purely because we restricted ourselves to criticizing the premises in the most part, with corroboration from another couple.

It is possible to post a very bad review here as long as you are objective. Personal attacks are not the way to go!


Blatantly clear then that some people are happy to reside in filthy conditions for the sake of a shag...its all down t personal choice I guess..what people are happy to put up with to have their fun..cheap doesnt have to mean dirty surely?

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By *lackCherryCouple
over a year ago


If you review anything in any part of life you will have those out to critique you, films, movies, food, tv even swingers clubs now. Regulars and those that are loyal to whatever you critique will take it often as a personal slight.

In essence you are (not directly) questioning someones judgement by hating something they love or like !

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By *lubPartyPeepsCouple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 23/07/12 23:35:42]

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By *lubPartyPeepsCouple
over a year ago


"I have just read through this thread and feel there are some very good points made about taking all reviews with a pinch of salt, especially any that appear to have an agenda.  

I look at the reviews overall, and for clubs with a lot of less that enthusiastic reviews, I take the view there's no smoke without fire, and look for one that has a high percentage of good reviews.  So they do work in an over all context.  

I also particularly agree with ClubPartyPeeps above, they have said a lot I would have said so there no need to repeat it (and probably said more elequently ). I wish there was some form 'like' button for postings like that.  

I have bought and read their book after meeting them at Erotica, and found the reviews of the clubs I know to be valid and broadly agree with them (and some spot on) so their views of clubs I have not visited, get very high rating!  

In short, crap reviews can catch the eye but we generally ignore any that have little substance, in fact a mediocre OK with an explanation lowers the expectation much more."

Praise indeed.

Thanks very much, glad we were able to help and that you found it useful.

We are always at pains to point out that different people will like different clubs.

In reference to someones experience of a hotel recently. Quite rightly, we shouldn't accept such crap standards over here.

If it offers hotel facilities then they should dam well be up to standard.

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