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by sexysoutherncouple 22 January 2013
We spent a few at Rio's met some nice friendly peeps Not very busy but that is how we like it quality not quanity |
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by 19 January 2013
Oh yeah and By the way go there to rela first and foremost and not to score. If you are happy just to be there to chill and not just walk around prowling all night then you can make some great friends and occaisionally you will have a very memorable night much like the last time I went there about 2 weeks ago! |
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by 19 January 2013
Now that Rio's has got it's pool back it is much better. Have been there loads and had a lot of fun on many different ocaisions and met some very beautiful ladies there. If any girls ever fancy going but do not want to brave it alone then let me know x |
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by bearandbunnykins 15 December 2012
We found Rio's to be very clean and friendly. The two ladies behind the bar were very chatty and made us feel extremely welcome. As it was our first visit we were given a guided tour. The venue is spacious with plenty of areas in which to relax and a few lockable rooms if you are looking for a little private time.
We will definitely be going back again and look forward to visiting in the summer when we can make use of the outdoor sunbathing facilities.
Thanks to everyone there yesterday (Fri) who made a point of saying hello and making our short time there a memorable afternoon. |
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by 3 December 2012
For a single guy Rios can be a mixed bag. Best if you go not expecting anything other than a relaxing sauna, jacuzzi and short swim in the small pool. Take a book, enjoy the free refreshments and chill, you never know what might happen.
SUNDAY 2nd December may well go down in Rios history. I was there for a quiet afternoon chilling and reading the papers, when suddenly at about 4pm a flashmob of about 30 under 30 year old swingers hit the place. They were in fancy dress of Hawaian gear etc but within an hour they were all pretty much naked and playing everywhere. At first I thought they were an annoyance and cliquie but once they had settled down a bit and we got chatting in the saunas and big Jacuzzi everything turned into a lot of fun with a group of cool laid back boys n girls. Some of the regulars and wall huggers were a bit freaked out but I entered into the spirit, got chatting and ended up in one of the play rooms with two fantastic girls in their 20s (I am 53) - they were great fun and we all had a great laugh as they called me "Daddy". For an old perve like me it was a special day :-)
I personally think Rios should get its dress code policy sorted out and be a little more discerning. Local lads in their teens wandering around annoying people with rude comments in their baggy shorts and singlets does not make for an easy going atmosphere - why isn't it naturist everyday? or at least proper swimwear, seeing blokes wandering around in their dirty Y fronts chasing women backwards and forwards is annoying. |
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by 24 November 2012
we went rios wednesday night 21st nov.we had a marvellous time.great place with lots to offer.we cud not fault it in anyway.had such a great night there. |
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by 20 November 2012
I totally enjoyed myself. Clean n relaxing atmosphere. Nice friendly people both men and women, and friendly staff who ensure that everyone is safe
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by Notte Bella 22 October 2012
I’ve attended on Sunday afternoons, especially when weather was fine, I was able to sunbath (expose) out at the back. An American lady approached me, whilst my husband was refreshing our drinks. She told me that one guy next to me was not so much huge as massive and she recommended him. I said its up to him to speak to my husband, which he eventually did. So he fucked me in one of the private booths. After that it was obvious to other guys I was there to play not just pose; even though my posing was to say the least 'UNSUBTLE' in the first place. The American Lady knew I was a goer, but none of the guys seemed to catch on, until she set it up with the Horse-Hung guy.
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by 14 October 2012
Saturday 13th October
Had a great first time there, no hassles and plenty of freindly people(and couples!). Lots of yummy looking people and lots of steamrooms and jacuzzi's. If you saw the "Scots" couple - say hi! :)
Hi to the couple (she had a pink swim top) who shared the jacuzzi with us - looked like you where having fun!
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by smoothbiboy 12 October 2012
I manage to get along to Rios a few times each month, often popping along during my lunch break from work. Lunchtimes can be quiet but sometimes you get a few nice girls in and i love parading around with them nude and hopefully i have a nice stiff cock to show them. I went on the evening of 11th October too, there was a good mix of men and women in the club including some cute Chinese girls. The rooms were very full at the back. I didnt manage to get any of the girls but one guy and i played in the club then we went into one of the back rooms together. We sucked one another off then he lubed me up and gave my ass a nice pounding. you can always have some fun at Rios. |
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by drfun 9 October 2012
Attend Monday eve, a few cpls and some single guys. Was in small hot tub when cpl decided to play a little, leg was extended so started to rub it, before i knew it another "eastern european" also in tub decided he would try and put his fingers somelse, this totally offended the poor irish lady of the cpl. One of his co-friends from shores abroad also noticed that maybe some action was going down and tried to push me out of the tub as he got in to try and get himself a piece of what he thought was going down.
The management need to stamp out this, the maangement had warned the second guy as he had been hanging around the shower area perving at another cpl.
This place could be good, but they need to sort out the cross border friends, a few banings maybe would help. |
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by 30 September 2012
well used to regularly visit this club,but havent been for about 2 yrs,so went on a friday 28th sept and stayed through the nite and unusually it wasnt busy as it can be on a friday nite venue has had a spruce up decor wise staff are still friendly and one new addiction is a burly security guard on door from 10pm to stop riff raff gettin in.overall was a chilled quiet nite. |
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by 19 September 2012
aggressive single guys and tterrible place wont be back |
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by 16 September 2012
Visited Rios a couple of times last week on Monday evening and Wednesday evening.
Monday was fairly quiet in terms of numbers, but a more even balance or ladies to men than I had seen here before. It was very relaxed, the naturist rule was fairly well enforced and although there was little or no 'action' to be seen, there were some very nice ladies of all makes and sizes.
Wednesday started off in a similar fashion, but developed into the most horny time I've had at Rios (I've been a few times!). There was action all over the place and I watched a lovely young couple have full-on sex in the jacuzzis a number of time. They were far from the only ones having fun and a sexy young lady grabbed a nice, long feel of me under the water to round off my night.
Well done also to the security guard and manager who dealt with a troublemaker very professionally midway through the evening. It was a situation that had the potential to escalate, but the staff handled it well and ejected the man concerned.
I wouldn't neccessarily go to Rios expecting action, but you might just get some. |
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by traceyntony 4 September 2012
went to rios today for the 1st time very clean nice spas ,cool staff lots of play rooms nice out door area not clicky we will be paying a 2nd visit soon |
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by 28 August 2012
Attended this venue on 25th July. RIOS is clean, has good facilities and the staff were friendly those are the positives. On the negative front, hardly any women. Two nice looking ladies were "there to relax and not play". There were some scary ladies that spent all night shouting and one very scary lady who looked like the Dwarf Exorcist from Poltergeist. When I said hello in the shower she went nuts and told me to f**k off several times!
If you want a sauna, massage, steam room or swim RIOS is great.
If you are a lady looking to hook up with BBC RIOS is great. If you are a couple not sure RIOS is for you and if you are a single white guy looking for anything forget it! |
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by fab1958 25 August 2012
Went to Rios last night, arrived at around 7pm to find around 20 single guys and 5 single women(all wearing costume or bikinis) by 9pm 30 guys and 20 girls and 4 couples, a group of 5 young girl and 1 guy (all naked) livened the place up as did 2 of the couples who openly groped and played with each other in the large jacuzzi before heading off to the private rooms to play alone behind locked doors. The parade of single guys past the rooms obviously hoping for an invite was incredible! By 1am the place took on a different atmosphere as the crowd had increased to around 60 nearly all young black guys and girls all in swimwear and not looking for sexual fun. This was definately not a swingers club but at £21 it was a pleasant way to spend the night and see some sexy looking young ladies albeit in swimwear for the most part! |
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by 10 August 2012
Ok, don't slate me, this is just how I see it.
This is NOT a swingers club, not at least the times I've been.
Yes, it's clean and tidy but it's a spa, not a place for people to meet and play.
I went the other night with a vanilla friend who wanted to 'expand' her mind and open up her experiences.
We paid £27 to get in, after midnight. I was given a small towel that had seen better days, in fact my cock fell out of the tear in it.....funny as at this point we'd not even seen each other semi naked.
So, into the pool we went.
She went in with a towel and to be fair was nervous. I encouraged her to take her towel off and withing minutes we were surrounded by men wanking.....hardly subtle!!
One male, of possibly Turkish origin kept getting closer and was given 'the look' not to get any closer. He chanced his arm and grabbed my friend in a very inappropriate manner, to the point where I actually threatened him with physical violence. I understand that I can look a little scary at time, for once I was glad that I do!
We moved on to the sun lounger area where people were eating dinner out of plastic containers and dropping food on the loungers and floor, classy!
We decided to visit the sauna where we were approached by a pair of travelling types who asked is they would "Double on on yer misses" again, classy.
This was al in an hour.
We were pestered, followed, wanked over and sexually assaulted.
I'd this was a spa without the 'swinger twist' it would be closed down!
Ok, it was late and midweek but I don't think I could be encouraged to visit again unless it was 100% couple and single ladies only.
Sorry, just my point of view.
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by sxboy 10 August 2012
Lacking lots of ladies during the daytimes , clean and tidy - good facilities
Think they need to re think the daytime admission rates
If it was £10 men /£5 ladies before 5pm it would revitalise the club
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by ClubPartyPeeps 2 August 2012
It had been a while, so we decided once again to visit Rios, the sauna club effectively just down the road from us. For those not in the know, Rio’s has always been a bit of oddity, it advertises itself as both a health spa on the one hand and also on the swinging scene, so for starters you can never really be sure why people are there and a great many go there just to use the facilities. (Which is fair enough) However, owned by the same chain who own many of the gay saunas in London, it knows clearly what it’s main market it is – Single men looking for an easy lay. It can’t pretend any different, otherwise what on earth are the 5 playrooms downstairs and the 6 upstairs for? Saturday is for couples only, but be aware it’s from 7 until 12 midnight, and at 12.01 it’s like the start of the Grand National as around 50 single guys pile through the doors in a record sixty seconds flat.
Upstairs is now only open on the weekends, and the big playroom at the very top has closed forever. The rest of the venue, all on one level, has three Jacuzzis, two saunas, two steam rooms, showers, a smoking garden, relaxation lounge and free soft drinks. There are also two pools, for cooling off. All the play rooms are off the ‘foam mattress, imagine the rest’ variety. Not untypical of many European sauna style clubs of this type.
Having been here several times over 5 years, our experiences have ranged from the mildly amusing (Women trying to recruit the other half as a prostitute while I was in the toilet) to the down right scary. (Having my partner being man-handled in the changing area)
However for the most part, this visit, which was between 11pm and 1.30 am on a Wednesday evening (mixed) was for the most part free of drama. There were around 6 single women in, three or four couples and 25 or so single men. There was a time when you could not go to this club without being followed pillar to post by packs of guys, it seemed for a while that this would be different, however while enjoying the larger Jacuzzi on our own, 5 guys suddenly appeared, surrounded us on all sides and started very unsubtly all moving towards us. ‘Here we go…’ We think they thought we were novices and were going to have a wank fest at our expense, no doubt hoping for more. Obviously they had all spoken beforehand, as they didn’t even casually drift in. For a first time visitor this would have been very unnerving. We wouldn’t have minded so much if they could have at least uttered one or two words of dialogue between them (Not so much as a hello) so we just left, which resulted in a whole load of rather immature whistling and cat calling. Unfortunately this typical behaviour is why many people, including most that we know, don’t go here. However if your experienced swingers, or enjoy the company of single men with limited conversational ability, then no doubt the club could be right up your street. Some of the single females weren’t too friendly either. A simple hello from Mrs Party was met by a rude blank stare, but perhaps that’s just London for you in general.
That all said, the couples we spoke to were friendly, as were the staff all of whom were extremely helpful and we also spoke to a couple of single guys (There for the first time) who were also chatty and polite, so we don’t want to tar everyone with the same brush. Saturdays have been a much more jovial and friendly experience, we just wanted to go there to chill really, after a long days work of compiling a list of 300 German clubs, it really was well needed and Jacuzzi incident aside, we had a pleasant time there relaxing. Some people do look like they live there though, you can go to the club, spot a guy, come back two years later and the same guy will be there.
If you’re looking for action with single men and can’t accommodate at home, then this will suit you, and the couples night can be fun. The club is a lot cleaner than it used to be and the smiles on the staff’s faces a welcome change from the grumpy ‘Annie Wilkes’ types of previous visits. Still, it’s a weird club and not one we would recommend to anyone for a first time visit, more a port of call for later when you’re more sure of what you want from an evening and also have the confidence to handle any potential difficult situations.
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by 20 July 2012
went rio's last nite,a complete virgin 2 this establishment,after hearing bout it..
have 2 say great facilities+staff were good..had a lovely massage+nice relax but a lack of any sexual energy really left the experience slightly flat..wasnt expecting anything at all but maybe i went on a wrong nite..maybe need 2 try again,any ladies wanna improve my RIO'S experience sometime?? |
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by 14 July 2012
I put ok, as wqas not bad enough to put avoid and nothing inbetween,I went one time few months back, never gone back andhave no plans to go back, I found the staff behind the bar just so miserable, puts you off having a good time, this was a daytime, the places itself looked fine, facilities good, guys a bit seedy following you around everywhere but part an parcel of these places i guess. |
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by 11 June 2012
Im not to far from Rios & do think its fun! There are a few rude guys in there,but other than thats its great fun!
I have met some cool people there & love going,any one fancy a meet/chat drop me a line! Wednesday & Saturday are the best nights & the staff are always really helpful! |
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by vandeman 5 June 2012
. As a Rios regular I want to apologies to the recent posters who had less than a Fab time. Yes there is a small minority of total ass holes who go there. Most never comeback as they are not scene people just wankers popping in after a night in the pub or frankly kids on a dare. Raise the age to 21 Rios please. Just want to
say there are a lot of nice people at Rios and please don't judge all of us by a minority of dickless wonders. The cowboy. |
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by 3 June 2012
We went last night for the first time in about 4 years and it was good to see they had given it a facelift but they still have the same problem with people pretending to be couples to get in and then the guy wanders off on his own in the hope of some fun. They had a member of staff walking round to try and keep an eye on things but that didn't stop it totally. The staff though as always really nice and friendly. But due to the fact that these pretend couples still get in we won't be in a hurry to go back. Oh and I lost count of the amount of women in swimming costumes or bikini's - not exactly a naturist spa lol. It was much better 11 years ago when we first ever went. |
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by 27 May 2012
I would have rated this place 'fun' or 'fabulous', but as others mention it is sadly let down by the sad, desperate single blokes who simply wander around in the hope of 'stumbling' across some action.
Wednesday nights are decent, but far too many swimming costumes around when I visited on a Friday evening.
To the two girls washing each other down in the shower - thank you. |
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by The tactile technician 26 May 2012
A pretty smart place, always great fun. Unfortunately it is a great shame that the minority still seem to continually spoil it for everyone. Went along with someone that had never experienced the club atmosphere or a spa before and although being able to stick up for herself was repeatedly touched by a small minority of guys that won't take no for an answer or keep their hands to themselves. Also the constant tapping and knocking of probably the same losers on the cabin doors is really uncalled for and should be stopped. All in all, it is a well maintained facility, the staff are friendly and it makes a welcoming oasis on a very hot and sunny day, just shame about some of the very sad single guys, You! let! it! down! for! the! rest! |
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by Allure 22 May 2012
Even with mixed reviews I visited with an open mind. It turns out I was the only naked lady in this naturist venue and got groped uninvited by several men who didn't appear to think that was a problem. When I initiated contact in one of the steam rooms a guy in there blatantly took photos with an iPhone in a waterproof bag, until I noticed and smacked him over the head with it.
Good facilities, bad behaviour with no screening or comeback from disinterested staff. If you're into very large middle aged men with absolutely no idea how to behave then this is the place for you. |
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by 8 May 2012
went rios last night bank holiday monday.wow it got very busy.great place.polite staff we had a great eve.and nice to see the pool opened again.this is nice chilled out place to go.facillities were excellent as usual. |
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by vandeman 5 May 2012
The pool is back! They got it open early and it looks fantastic.
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by vandeman 26 April 2012
Fab night as always Wednesday nights are always busy but nice people. BIG NEWS the swimming pool will be back by the end of May hooray!