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Liberty Elite

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Rating: Fabulous
13 August 2016
Arranged to meet some of my friends at Liberty Elite again last night. After a four week break since last time, I was eager to go (Especially considering what someone had planned for me!).

Spent quite a lot of time the bar just chatting & catching up with everyone and having a laugh in the process lol It's that with the stigma of being a single guy, the ladies behind the bar are always extremely friendly & put me at ease :)

I had planned on leaving at 2am, however I was lucky enough to be invited by a certain to her room, so ended up staying the night. Again the room was clean & much better than most hotels I've stayed in (I think the only one in Leicester that tops it is the Grand!).

All in all a good (And exhausting lol) night had. Made lots of new friends
Rating: Fabulous
by libertyelite
11 August 2016
As a Liberty Elite devotee, I feel I really must on behalf of the club take issue with the inaccurate comments posted in the first review of 6th August 2016.

Liberty Elite is run very properly as a private members club so even if you are registered on a guest list if you are not on Liberty Elite data base you will be required to complete the appropriate form and confirm your I.D. in the reception foyer, that applies no matter who you are.

Having spoken to the lady on reception, you were not actually asked to open the front door. You were in the reception foyer when the front door bell rang and you actually asked the lady on reception if she wanted the door opened and she replied “yes you can if you like”. On the night in question there were two “meeters and greeters” at the front door both with legally correct Security Industry Association Licenses, one being Carlo the proprietor of City Slickers and the other representing Liberty Elite, why at least one of them was not at the door at that time no one is sure of, however in those very rare circumstances the lady on reception would happily open the door herself, but as you kindly volunteered she agreed.

It was agreed with City Slickers management that exclusive use of the club was not possible on what is a normal club night and certainly on the Liberty Elite events calendar the night was set out as being co-hosted.

As Liberty Elite is a members club with many thousand of registered members quite a number of them never look at the events calendar but just turn up knowing that their membership allows them in.

The cost of the evening was set by City Slickers, so it would have been quite reasonable for the lady on reception to give the visiting club member in question the option of entry or to perhaps visit on another evening at normal Liberty Elite prices. It must be pointed out that Liberty Elite is the only major venue where all single gentlemen are personally interviewed prior to being invited to visit the club. So your statement that “if you are willing to pay you can attend” is just rubbish.

The event write up did say “Champagne Reception” which does imply a glass of champagne rather than a free bottle? The champagne was served from a “Poser” table strategically placed to ensure that new visitors would not inadvertently miss it, the canapés being placed on the side bar just two paces away, perhaps three if you had carpet slippers on and shuffled a bit, however as you are quite tall we think you would manage it in two.

As there were a number of new guests expected, three people were given the task of showing new people around, one from City Slickers and two from Liberty Elite. Bob, an enthusiastic club member with his wife, was on hand to show you around, and as he is a University Lecturer and regularly shows new guests around the club, there is no doubt he would have made you feel welcome as he does everybody.

Not really sure what you mean by the shower, there is a large shower at the foot of the spa, how did you miss it? Or perhaps you only see what you want to see?

Yes there is a shower upstairs, but having a shower at the entrance to the spa seemed like a good idea. So that is why it was put there in 2003, so I cannot see why a shower would be needed in the toilets.

I should clarify that the club does not have “employees” Without exception everybody helping at the club started off as a club member ( and still is). We have thoroughly had to learn the job properly. Two ladies passed their “Personal Drinks Licence” exams last month and another takes their full Security Industry Association exams next month. So although we help properly you could have your drink served by a director of an international PLC, a nurse, a police officer or a carer. We do it because it allows us all to easily chat to both new and regular guests and try and make everybody welcome and inclusive.

So when you say there were “employees” in the club it sounds really condescending; yes there were club members in the club who also help out on other nights (which is not quite the same is it)?

As far as people mentioning the Thursday night event being busy, this event was a fetish event and as such, would not normally be mentioned on swingers nights by swingers. As for mentioning the previous Friday, well yes, it was a bit busier but this was a fact easily ascertained, not just fanciful supposition. Also this was the first night of a new event to the Libs calendar, so perhaps a bit of patience is in order.

You really do only see what you want to see, don't you? By law, under the “Price Marking (Food and Drink) on premises order 1979”, every licensed bar must display its drinks prices and Liberty Elite is no exception. Liberty Elite bar prices are displayed in a large wall mounted A3 frame so they can be seen and read by everybody (except yourself of course). More to the point Liberty Elite bar prices are very reasonable being based on pub not nightclub prices, and are massively cheaper than similar clubs. Just compare Liberty Elite with V.A. as an example. In fact some of Liberty Elite drinks prices have been the same since 2007, yes that's a 9 year price freeze, and some you can not buy in a supermarket as cheaply as Liberty Elite sells them. So get real!

The till system is a state of the art system installed just two months ago, and can issue comprehensive receipts detailing your name, locker number, what drinks you have had and in what order. This is not done automatically because on a busy weekend, say Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the bar staff can easily process three hundred plus bar bills, perhaps a total of fifteen thousand a year. Issuing a generally unwanted receipt would not be at all environmentally friendly, however if you wanted one - YOU JUST NEEDED TO ASK!

By the way, the owner of the club is a very successful businessmen man and formally an executive with a National Bank, who prides himself on scrupulous honesty and integrity so please do not even imply that Liberty Elite would “fiddle” or deliberately take advantage of a club member or guest.

Anyway to the “Burlesque Show”. This was organised by City Slickers not Liberty Elite. The couple performing brought their own music on a Iphone. The Iphone was properly connected to the club high end sound system through a professional mixer. Unfortunately the male dancer had set a time out on his phone and part way through the act, guess what – it timed out so the music stopped. Very fortunately the resident D.J. was to hand to quickly get the password to reset the phone, so that the act could continue. Had he not been to hand it really would have been more of a shambles, so please do not blame Liberty Elite for that when in fact they “saved the day”.

There are condoms at Liberty Elite but they are discreetly held behind the bar a system we have had in place since 2005. Perhaps if you asked? (Now there is a novel idea)!

If you feel fleeced, it's certainly not by Liberty Elite bar prices. As to other guests on the night, they found it to be a very good night judging by the number of new guests wanting to know how to become members.

As to yourself, it is actually a relief that you will not be coming back as quite simply there were complaints of your behaviour in the spa being both “loud and intrusive” and that's not really what is wanted in the club.
Rating: Fun
by Spice of life 79
10 August 2016
Went to the city slickers party night on Friday night , met up with my friend unicorn who's left a review below

I do love this club it's always friendly and staff are great

I was a little disappointed with the show and the price

But as its there first one at this club maybe better things are to come

I'm not one to be put off the first time

So maybe I would attend there events in the future if I'm welcome

If you saw me there please say hi , it's always nice to accustom myself with others I've met
Rating: Fun
by slimandtrim300
7 August 2016
Well all i can say is this was an eclectic weekend...we had booked our rooms for the Friday and the Saturday over 6 weeks ago then found out that the Friday would be a party night.ok fine we didn't mind paying the £60 to get in but felt bad for our male friend who we had arranged to meet to pop his swingers club cherry as well as to have some fun with...he too had booked aroom so as someone else mentioned @£80 just to get in is in our eyes a bit steep but nevertheless it didn't put him off and we all had a good night...the "fun" didn't really start until after the show but when it did start you couldn't get any more people in the changing room...lol...our only turmoil was mother nature making an unplanned visit for the second time in two weeks..grrrre so if we seemed a bit stand off ish we are sorry...but couldn't play properly as a team...sooo many sexy couples there who we would have loved to play with on both nights...hopefully bump into some of you again next time xxx

Rating: Fun
7 August 2016
Attended both party nights on the last two Fridays, and the one organised by City Slickers was a real let down (thankfully we had a pre-arranged meet).

The numbers were much less than half of the previous week, which is probably down to the ridiculously high prices set by City Slickers (London prices don't really work in the Midlands). The LoveToParty event the week before was half the price with well over 100 people attending.

As usual the club was clean and the staff wonderful. Can't wait to go back, just not on City Slickers night.
Rating: OK
6 August 2016
This was my 3rd Visit to LE. I do like this club because it's clean modern and comfortable. Having read the review below there are a few things I agree with and would like to add.

1. An itemised receipt should be provided for information

2. There should be a water cooler or cold tap so that when in the wet area you can help yourself instead of having to traipse to the bar and die of thirst whilst waiting to be served. Shagging in the wet area is sweaty thirsty work lol.

3. I agree condoms should be provided - however as a girl guide I'm always prepared lol

3. A shower in each of the toilets would be a good idea

4. When booking a room it would be nice to know which room you are in before arriving. I asked on 3 separate occasions via email my room number but never had a reply and finally had to call and go through immediately. Very frustrating.

5. The number of people attending the party was probably about half the number of the previous week. Perhaps having two party nights on consecutive weekends isn't such a good idea.

6. The burlesque show was ok but as already pointed out the music stopped twice during the show but the two entertainers carried on and even made a few jokes when the music stopped so fair play to them.

7. Club members were allowed in as they are club members. There is little point in being a member especially single guys who are then told you can't come in as its a private party and I think,it's a little unfair to charge them £80 for the privilege. Single guys get a tough ride in the swinging world and I wouldn't like a club full of single guys but £80 is bloody steep! My FB had to book in as a 'knight' and had to pay the over priced entrance fee.

I did have fun with my FB and a guy we met there and there seemed to be plenty going on after the burlesque show in the wet area so no complaints from me.

The accommodation is basic but clean but some rooms do smell a little damp and fusty and perhaps they could to with a refresh and some TLC. But they are on site and away from the main club so not far to stagger back and away form any potential music disturbance.

Overall I do like LE and the staff are friendly, there is always a buffet and a nice relaxed atmosphere. I just think they need to look at the little things which will enhance the experience.

Not sure what difference having City Slickers there made to the evening apart from champagne and canapés on arrival and the burlesque show. Not sure if I will attend one of their events again but keep an open mind. Never say never and all that.
Rating: OK
6 August 2016
We attended Liberty Elite for the City Slickers opening night......this was our first time for both events......

We arrived and rang the doorbell and were let in to a small entrance way....there was a chap in front of us who was mistakenly being booked in even though he had already booked and paid .... we waited....

We were on the City Slickers guest list so were asked to fill in a form for Liberty Elite.... while doing this the doorbell rang and we were asked to open the door!!....yes of course and all that yet we were paying guests not doormen or greeters....the gentleman who came in was informed that it was a private party night so it would cost him £80....he declined and left, so much for selective clientele, guest list etc....it's not....it's if you are willing to pay you can attend.

As we entered the venue we were offered a glass of champagne, canopies at the bar were pointed out to us, help yourselves and left to get on with it......we stood looking around awkwardly and I said (not for the first time) I wanted to go....upon which Bob appeared and said he would show us around after we had finished our one glass of complimentary champagne.....

The Spa is lovely, roomy and clean... in fact the overall impression was clean, ample equipment yet lacking on restraints...take your own.

We were not requested to shower before entering the hot tub and the one shower is situated up stairs by the bedrooms....perhaps taking out one of the toilets in both the gents and ladies and putting a shower in instead would be more convenient? (I understand that there are en suite rooms yet not all clientele book a room)....

We were looking forward to the 'Burlesque Show' as were a few others.

We quickly realised that a good portion of the guests were in fact employees who were attending and were regaled with the usual "last night was fantastic"....."last night there was a great crowd"....etc etc....not sure if anyone else hears this over and over again in clubs...it's always "last night", "last week".....ho hum....and here's us in the here and now with no time machine......how disappointing...

The bar does not advertise it's prices and they happily charge to your locker key (£10.00 deposit for locker key which you get back when you give the key back or the money is knocked off your bill) no itemised receipt is given at the end of the night...hmmmm. Most hotels give itemised bills....

Anyway, the "Burlesque Show"..... lovely couple, took each others outer clothes off and twizzled around with fire sticks...a most effective way to keep oneself clean shaven.....danced a little bit while wiping fire up legs and arms ....all very nice, went on for roughly 10 mins including the music going off twice....and that was your Burlesque Show....we paid £60 for that.....

We were led to believe there was a resident DJ.....erm.....there WAS a chap stood there for a bit yet it didn't seem to help with the backing track for the Burlesque and in fact the music did well and played continuously when no one was watching it or standing anywhere near it....quite happily looping away on it's own :)

We went into the Spa for a relax and to get on with our own fun and WHERE THE HELL ARE THE CONDOMS??????

This venue does not appear to supply condoms.....there were no sign of any condoms, a condom machine or anything...weird and not fore warned.

We ended up eating the buffet out of boredom.....

We feel the event was highly overrated, both City Slickers and Liberty Elite....The one act Burlesque Show provided by City Slickers...the only elite thing about L.E. is how much they charge....

For what we paid for this night out (including our hefty bar bill lol) I would rather have had a weekend away.

The people we spoke with were lovely and we did have a good laugh yet that had very little to do with either hosts.

All in all we found this something of nothing and now know that we will not do this again... once bitten and all that..... we need time to grow our wool back as we were well and truly fleeced.....the talk did not match the walk....
Rating: Fabulous
1 August 2016
After years of talking about it we decided enough was enough and it was time to get Blonde with a lady. After over a year of club reasarch we decided to make a 2hr drive to libertys summer party.

It was Worth every second!!!

Clean and well set out. Staff couldnt do more for you. Friendly,fun and sexy members. We were so nervous but made to feel so welcome we were instantly settled. Had lots of sexy fun too xxx

One of our best nights out ever!!!

We will definitely be back for another theme night.

Kaz xxx love ya
Rating: Fun
by Dinky.Di
1 August 2016
Always a welcoming and friendly place to attend. Had another good night on Saturday, and a very busy one. excellent music, staff, food, rooms, tub... The list is endless. Top class people and venue. Looking forward to the next visit. Keep up the good work guys... x
Rating: Fabulous
1 August 2016
We went to the Summer Party last Saturday. What a night that was :-) Lots of beautiful people having a great time - as did we! Libs is without a doubt the best club in the country. Really friendly clientele, great layout, great hosts.

A big "hi" to everyone we met and especially to our special friends - you know who you are :-)
Rating: Fabulous
by Crazycouple81
1 August 2016
Went on Froday night and had a great time, it was first time at a club and we were quite nervous about going but once we got there were made to feel very welcome. Met a great couple and had a very hot time. Will definitely be back.
Rating: OK
by TwiggyTroll
31 July 2016
Hi all had yet another fantastic night at Liberty. Such a clean classy club we love going. Plus these party's are well worth the trip down from Wakefield.

Looking forward to our next trip down xx

Rating: Fun
by bunnieboo
31 July 2016
Been too libs once.....had lovely time.....it is very clean an staff are lovely....can't wait too have more fun there again
Rating: Fabulous
31 July 2016
Visited this friendly club last night for the summer party and it certainly didn't fail to deliver in the fun department! Very clean, friendly welcoming staff and plenty of hot, sexy people to have fun on the big bed with. Already planning when we can come back! X
Rating: Fabulous
31 July 2016
Attended the club tonight (Sat) and have to say was extremely impressed and far superior to anywhere I have been in the past. the couples there were stunning and there was such a relaxed and chilled atmosphere. the rooms, hot tub and grounds of the club were amazing. really enjoyed myself and will most def be back xx
Rating: Fabulous
by Lovely Cummings
30 July 2016
Attended last night for the first time as part of the lovetoparty hosted event.

Heard many good things about this club and have to say not only does it live up to it's reputation, I'd say it exceeds them. Immaculate, Spotless, luxurious but also friendly and a good size. Staff are excellent and the whole venue is well thought out.

Look forward to returning again on the lovetoparty events I'm free for
Rating: Fabulous
30 July 2016
Liberties never fails to impress. Had some great fun last night (in the hot tub and swing room). By far the best club around. If we played last night, say hi.
Rating: Fabulous
30 July 2016
We went to this club last night, it was a private party but the venue is amazing all the staff are so friendly and helpful the place looks beautiful and the all the guest were all welcoming and made everyone feel relaxed and at ease, we will definitely be going back ! Can't wait xxx
Rating: OK
by Jphfun
30 July 2016
Great time at Libs last night. It's by far our favourite club. Spotlessly clean, and the staff are great.

Fun was had as always:-)
Rating: Fabulous
30 July 2016
Had a great night with Lovetoparty ;). We didn't get chance to speak to everyone unfortunately .. Next time ;) must try harder. The venue is very worth a visit and so clean, play areas so accommodating and such friendly staff made us feel safe and secure! Lots of places to chill and play. We will be attending monthly when available. Must make more use of the curtain area and swing!!

If you were there and we didn't chat and would like to chat please say hi ;).
Rating: Fun
by licknsuck2
30 July 2016
We went to Libs lastnight it was our first time at the club, We loved the club it was amazing we will defo be back, everywhere was spotlessly clean.

There was some sexy couples there that we would have love to had fun with was well worth a visit will definatly be back to the Friday night party's.

If you seen us in the club and we didn't get to speak to you feel free to message us ;-). LnS xx

Rating: Fabulous
by Dawnathan
26 July 2016
Me and my partner have started going to Liberty elite regularly, absolutely love it, the staff are amazing, and the company couldn't be better
Rating: Fabulous
by Kettering-couple76
24 July 2016
Was a quite-ish night, but as ever this place never ever fails to deliver. Ended up on the central bed with a stunning couple, having a very enjoyable evening!!
Rating: Fabulous
by Dr Bigbull
18 July 2016
Attended Friday night ,again must compliment on the high standards of The club ,I met two sexy beautiful women.started in the hot tub followed by our big bed . Some great encounters to remember . Finally had to go upstairs for our final session .

Rating: Fabulous
17 July 2016
We went to Libs lastnight it was our first time in about 8/9 months and wow it was amazing, the staff are fantastic, everywhere was spotlessly clean as always. Lots of sexy couples and lots of fun had by all, we renewed our membership and will definatly be back xx
Rating: Fabulous
17 July 2016
We first came to this club 3 years ago and it was our first visit to any club. We had a good chilled out experience and decided to go again but this time we took some friends who were newbies.

Once again we had an amazing time. The facilities are brilliant. The host and staff were friendly and very welcoming. As it had been so long for us and was only our second time we were just as nervous as the first time, but again within a few mins we were totally at ease. Other couples there were friendly and there was no pressure what so ever.

What we liked most about it was the atmosphere, the play room is perfect for couples like us who aren’t hardened swingers and taking things slow. There are number of beds where we could relax and play or just watch the amazing action being taken on centre stage…and it was pretty good last night.

The private rooms upstairs were great for us as my lovely lady still was still a little shy so we could go and have fun on our own and then come back down and enjoy more of the action taking place on the massive group bed.

The hot tub was great as well, although I didn’t have a chance indulge but our friends were loving it.

All I would say is if you have never been to a club and want to this would be the place. We definitely won’t leave it as long as we did, and by the sounds of the chatter on the way home and what went on yesterday I think our newbie friends will probably be back there next week… lol.

It might not be for every one but for us a couple who are still on the verge of taking the plunge it was perfect.

I think next time we will be much more confident to interact and socialise a bit more.

PS. For the chap at the end of the night near the Chalet I was just as gutted as you it ended a bit abruptly ;)
Rating: Fabulous
by Secretpassion100
17 July 2016
Attended this amazing club last night and it never fails to deliver. Staff are absolutely amazingly as is the owner . Rooms spotless jacuzzi to die for and one hell of a night was had .. female half of us has never been before and she absolutely loved it .. cant wait for chic 5 we will be there again .. thanks libs you are awsome xxxx m.c xxxx
Rating: Fabulous
16 July 2016
Made my long anticipated second visit last night. This time I didn't have my owner to keep an eye on me, so a little daunting attending on my own. However, as soon as I walked in I was again made to feel really welcome & easily could've spent all night socialising with a bevvy lol

However, after some pretty constant flirting on here, socialising wasn't the first thing on my mind :D Ended up in the hot tub, then onto the large bed ;)

What can I say, it's easily the best room in the country - Way better than the house of commons lol
Rating: Fabulous
15 July 2016
We have visited Liberty for the first time few weeks ago. It was open birthday party. We loved the friendly and relaxing atmosphere. Everything nice and clean which makes you feel very comfortable to play. We planning to go soon again and probably stay for the night in the hotel room. Definitely worth to try, you might like it... hmm, you definitely will ;-)
Rating: Fabulous
12 July 2016
Came here for my first club experience on Saturday night with a friend.

Stayed overnight in their accommodation which was nice and clean.

Club is nice inside. Had a tour around by the owner so we knew where everything was.

Met some lovely people and nobody was pushy.

Had plenty of fun in the jacuzzi and loved seeing people having fun on all the beds in the open play area.

Had a great night and definitely will be going back again soon x
Rating: Fabulous
by southmidscouple
11 July 2016
Had a very nice time at this great club. Always clean facilities with friendly staff. Thanks guys & gals! xx

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