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Swindon Swingers

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Rating: Fun
by SlapandTickle9092
5 February 2024
We really enjoyed coming to touch in Swindon on our first time on the weekend, the club is very clean and is kept tidy throughout and has a very good charm to the place too, definitely recommend visiting here!
Rating: Fabulous
by Leen N Bop
4 February 2024
What a lovey place Touch is and we’re impressed how fresh they keep it, there’s alway an upgrade going on! The lads manage a very tightly run ‘fun’ ship and Gloria keeps the decks spotless. Wicked is great fun and we recommend it to everyone:) we are looking forward to the next event already x
Rating: Fun
by OhMeOhMyOh
4 February 2024
We had an enjoyable evening. Our first time, so the lessons we would take away would be to strip off our outfits sooner and make more definite arrangements to meet people we’d chatted with. It’s otherwise quite easy to lose people in the many small, and very dark, playrooms and to miss out. The club is really welcoming though, drinks and entrance is reasonable and the play options are many. If anyone we chatted with wants to get in touch, please do! We were in a tight red dress, and bright red trousers! You surely can’t have missed us! Xxx
Rating: Fun
by theitaliandreamer
4 February 2024
Attended this club for the first time after an invitation. Maybe a little too crowded and too dark for my taste but guests last night were great.
Rating: Fabulous
by Enigmatic Antics
4 February 2024
We had an awesome night at Wicked last night. Our first time at this club, and wow, it didn’t disappoint! Very modern, clean, well kept with fabulous facilities and even more fabulous people! Shout out to Gloria, Colin and Russell who helped us settle in and feel at home. Everyone is so friendly. Some really sexy people there last night. We had lots of fun! Will definitely be back soon!
Rating: Fabulous
by ColinOfBath
4 February 2024
Last night's Wicked was, well, thoroughly wicked. But, hey, it invariably is - because three guys and a Gloria always go the extra 1,760 yards to provide a matchless experience. Last night's extravaganza was wonderful, full of gorgeous folks that included several toe-dippers alongside the regular funsters. Everyone that I talked with said, completely unsurprisingly, that they would be coming back. If you've not been, it's about time that you found out why everyone raves about Wicked. Next time, be there.
Rating: Fabulous
by Russell Jones
4 February 2024
Somehow the rating of "Fabulous" doesn't seem worthy of last night's INCREDIBLE Wicked event.

So many amazing people in attendance and many of them not only new to the club but new to the club scene in general.

The night was full of laughter and energetic activity of the sexual variety. At one point I think I counted 15 people on the open play platform next the dark room cages which is the most I've ever seen on it. I don't think there's room for 16!

From a personal perspective I caught up with some lovely people and met some great new friends, some I have already verified and some I haven't because I didn't get their fab name :-(

Shout out to the blonde haired lady in the white dress (who's partner was in an England Rugby shirt) who joined me in the raised viewing area in the cinema area. She was SO SEXY! Please drop me a line so I can say thank you properly.

I really hope I get to come back to this club again and again. The team who run it have made it what it clearly is, a huge success. They should be congratulated for creating somewhere that so many people want to experience. They never stop trying to improve it and keep it in the best possible state for their customers to enjoy.
Rating: Fabulous
by iSquirt
4 February 2024
Had the most amazing night here tonight for their first Wicked event of 2024. I met the most fabulous people, both singles and couples. Lots of plays and more play opportunity and the team running the club are excellent. Can’t wait to come back again, again and again. xx
Rating: Fabulous
by geekyguywithglasses
4 February 2024
I had another lovely time at Wicked making new friends!
Rating: OK
by debswalsall
27 January 2024
I attended Touch on wednesday and found the club to be a fantastic venue

Very much recommended

Debs x
Rating: Fabulous
by Gloria Hesafan
23 January 2024
The 1st event of 2024 went with a bang, it was so much fun and met some lovely people, had plenty of chats, hugs and kisses, Thank you everyone who turned up, made my night, seems far to long since the Last event of the year the Remix Christmas party, I had a lovely break even though i wrote my car off Christmas day, Ooops, but was so glad to be back where i belong, I felt so good, excited and so happy to be amongst so many friendly happy people again. Always there to make sure your having a good time, making sure everyone is safe and being looked after, Want to know more? just ask me, always happy to help you out, Newbies very welcome come and chat to me, feel nervous? make yourself known to me and ill keep my eye out for you. Everywhere is spotless and kept that way throughout the night, Lots of changes coming along this year is going to be amazing you wont want to miss out. Love you all, Your Hostess with the Mostest Gloria has left the building until next time, Kinky Then Wicked. Back to 1963 "Time Of Your Life" and it will be xx
Rating: Fun
by beautbeast28
22 January 2024
We had a great 'first night'for our first party in Swindon swingers.. met some lovely people and everyone was curious and polite. We were made to feel very welcome. The club itself it impeccably clean with all the facilities to clean up. :) Was lush being able to be as private or public in the club. Til next time ;) x
Rating: Fabulous
by ColinOfBath
22 January 2024
The region's best club somehow keeps getting even better. This time, Remix was utterly delightful. Three guys and a Gloria work their cotton socks off with a smile, unfailingly delivering the ideal venue and ambience for an absolute horde of lovely like-minded folks. As usual, I enjoyed lots of chat - and, ahem, some rain-making - with longtime chums, as well as having the good fortune to become intimately acquainted with some new friends. Wicked is just around the corner; you need to be there!
Rating: Fabulous
by Saucy sexy cpl
21 January 2024
We missed out in Decembers shenanigans, and we were so gutted, but last night we got back to this amazing club with a single lady, and as always greeted with the same warm hospitality from the lovely boys who make this place so magical and must not forget my lover Gloria, running around like crazy as always, we got to chat to so many last night and as always had a fabulous time as everyone is so friendly, see you all soon.
Rating: Fabulous
by bikerboy9oo
21 January 2024
What a fantastic night at “Remix” last night. Due to the festive break, it seems like it has been ages since we visited the home of Swindon Swingers, but we certainly started 2024 with a “BANG”. The sexual electricity was in abundance from the start, with so many new and regular faces in such sexy attire. If anyone out there has any trepidations about making their first move into the club scene and are at a loose end on a wet and windy Saturday night (or any Remix or Wicked Saturday night) , then this is the perfect place to start your amazing journey. Scott, Ollie and Gary have worked their socks off to make this the best club in the South West , and you will not be disappointed. Roll on “WICKED” in two weeks time xxx, Nick and Tracie xxx
Rating: Fun
by Kateyjones66
21 January 2024
I've been to Touch many times on a Wednesday and I wanted to see what Remix was like, so I went, on my own. There was a high turnout compared to what I've seen before but I was told it is usually even busier. The venue is as amazing as ever - clean, well maintained, a great variety of rooms and areas for play and a large comfortable lounge for socials. Everyone I met was very friendly and complimentary, and although I went on my own I wasn't stuck for conversation for a moment. I felt safe and welcome the entire time. The attendees were very easy to talk to and I made some new friends I feel :)

The only hiccup to the night was that I didn't get any sex lol. I guess the guys there weren't into me, which is fair enough of course - I accept that, I do have Wednesdays :)

It's also possible that I was just unlucky and all the guys who do like trans girls just happened to not go this time.

From what I saw, if you're cis and het or bi, I think you'll have a fantastic time at Remix. It's the best club I've ever been to :)
Rating: Fabulous
by Bio QueenB
21 January 2024
After not going to the club for sometime due to an operation coming back today was absolutely amazing. The boys have gone above and beyond on the refurbishment of the Club it’s the only swinging Club in the south-west of a touch of class and elegance. I myself had plenty of fun and looking forward to going to the next event kinky next week.
Rating: Fabulous
by Gloria Hesafan
24 December 2023
The last event of 2023 Remix Christmas Party wow what a great night it was, so many friendly people having a good time, everyone made me feel good with there efforts to get into the Christmas theme, Thank you for that, There was a Christmas cake I made but.....yes forgot to get it out. Doh!!! Lots of new things happening next year so excited but my lips are sealed...Sorry. But I can say, I think, its going to be an amazing exciting 2024 for everyone who comes out to play. Ok there giving me a dressing room, but rumour has it, its a shed on the roof, Tut. Tut. Looking forward to seeing you all again, have a great Christmas and hope 2024 is kind to you all. see you all soon, love you all xx
Rating: Fabulous
by mikeandmolly
20 December 2023
Not sure what else we could say about this wonderful place and the amazing owners that hasn’t been said before, oh and I think it was about 5 on Sunday incase you didn’t guess lol
Rating: Fabulous
by Fender102
20 December 2023
Best place I've ever visited. Clean, good layout, welcoming. Met some great people. Highly recommended.
Rating: Fabulous
by Meet The Flintstones
18 December 2023
Our last party night for the year and a great night for us. Wilma had plenty of admirer's and they actually talked to her. We bagged our favourite room and with all the lovely people dressed up for a naughty Christmas well Happy Holidays. Thanks guys for another great year and looking forward to more great times ahead.
Rating: Fabulous
by SkiBum_SnowQueen
17 December 2023
Thanks to the amazing guys who make sure this club is a safe, clean and fun place for all, this has become a firm favourite of ours.

We had a brilliant night at the remix Christmas party with some gorgeous people. Caught up with old friends and made some new ones. Onwards and upwards and here's to 2024 xx
Rating: Fabulous
by Master and Arieal
17 December 2023
Another wonderful night ar Remix. Club looked amazing and spotless. Great crowd, really interesting mix of people and everyone so friendly.

Amazing job done by all involved!

So lucky to have this club right on our doorstep.

See you in the new year xx
Rating: Fun
by Russell Jones
17 December 2023
Some familiar faces and some more new ones too which is GREAT!

All in all a fun Christmas party evening so if we talked please say hi.

Looking forward to 2024!
Rating: Fabulous
by Hungguy7.5
17 December 2023
Enjoyed last night great to chat to several people and also have some fun. Some single guys need to chill out though and stop being so pushy.
Rating: Fabulous
by Praise King
17 December 2023
A fantastic night was had last night at the Remix Christmas Party. It was really good to find more similar minded friends and to be able to spend some quality time, lovely laugh, and amazing hot time!

Thanks again!
Rating: Fabulous
by bikerboy9oo
17 December 2023
A fantastic night was had last night at the Remix Christmas Party. It was really good to catch up with great friends and to be able to spend some quality time in the company of Scott, Ollie and Gary. We have had an amazing 2023 at this superb club and are so looking forward to 2024.. love you guys, and hope that the three of you have everything you wished for for Christmas and the New Year.. Nick and Tracie xxx
Rating: Fabulous
by Bee69
16 December 2023
Attended twice now, both times too late, with my partner and the vibe of the place and friendly staff have made us fans. The club is clean,has lots of equipment and amenities, much better than the clubs I have visited to date!

Looking forward to our first Remix night on Saturday and anticipating a much larger crowd to meet.
Rating: Fabulous
by ChrissyCd
14 December 2023
Another "Fab" afternoon at Tgirls yesterday! The club is super clean, warm, safe, friendly and lots of fun.

So looking forward to next week, looks like lots of girls going to celebrate Christmas
Rating: Fabulous
by puppyandbear
10 December 2023
Attended the BDSM night on 9th Dec. Low turnout but no complaints about the hosts, venue or the ambience. It's a really safe place to enjoy. We chilled at the bar, used the playrooms, and soaked in the relaxed environment. Keep up the good work!
Rating: Fabulous
by Swing23
5 December 2023
Attended Wicked for Gloria’s wedding and it was one of the best nights we’ve had!

The decorations were gorgeous, you can really see the hard work the guys are putting into expanding and making the club even better than it already is.

The people who attend were sexy, friendly, and we certainly had a wild night!

We can’t wait to return xx

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